

She Banished Her Daughter’s Friend From Their House Because She Made Fun of Her Weight. Is She Wrong?

How rude! To make fun of someone’s weight? That is not cool under any circumstances. And the woman who wrote this story on Reddit’s “Am I the A**hole?” page wants to know if she stepped over the line after a teenage girl made fun of her weight. Read on to get all the details. AITA...

Is He Wrong for Canceling a Family Trip After His Wife Canceled His Son’s Ticket? People Responded.

I’ve seen quite a few stories lately where family members have been betraying each other and canceling plane tickets behind each others’ backs. What gives? And today, we have another one. Did this guy act like an a**hole? Check out his story below and tell us what you think! AITA for cancelling the family trip...

Is She Wrong for Not Telling Her Cousin That Her Fiancée Works in the Same Office as Her Husband? People Responded.

Some information just doesn’t need to shared, you know what I’m sayin’? There’s a time and a place for that kind of stuff…and sometimes, things can just your mind. But did this woman act like an a**hole for what she DIDN’T tell her cousin? Read her story and let us know what you think. AITA...

She Tricked Her In-Laws Into Trying Her Food. Did She Go Too Far?

Here’s another story from Reddit’s “Am I the A**hole?” page that revolves around food… More specifically, it concerns a person having to trick someone else into trying a certain kind of food. What’s with these folks?!?! We live in a weird world, my friends… Check out this woman’s story and let us know what you...

Man Asks if He’s Wrong for Calling the Police on His Fiancé

Okay, be honest… Have you ever called the police on your boyfriend? Or your girlfriend? Or your spouse? Neither have I! But you know how worked up people can get in the heat of the moment! So did this guy go too far? Check out his story and see what you think! AITA for calling...

Man Asks if He Was Wrong to Leave a Friend’s Party After They Expected Guests to Pay for Drinks

Hahaha, wow! What kind of person throws a party and expects their guests to pay for drinks?!?! That’s a new one… But here we are, folks! Check out this fella’s story and see if you think he acted like an a**hole. AITA for leaving my friend’s party after they expected their guests to pay for...

She Went to Her Sister’s Wedding After Her Husband Canceled Her Plane Ticket. Was She Wrong?

I’m gonna go out on a limb here and say that this married couple is having some serious issues… Because who cancels someone’s plane ticket when they’re going to see their sister get married?!?! Yeah, it doesn’t sound too good, does it…? But let’s get all the details before we make a judgment call. Read...

Teenager Asks if She’s Wrong for Sleeping in the Basement Because Her Sister Moved In

You’re moving in…? I’m moving into the basement! Ouch! That sure doesn’t sound good, now does it?!?! But that’s the story of a young woman who wrote a post on Reddit’s “Am I the A**hole?” page. AITA for sleeping in the basement instead of my bedroom ever since my sister was moved into it as...