

What Things From the 2000s Do You Want to See Come Back? People Responded.

As folks like to say, time really flies. And we’re now living in the 2020s! That sounds kind of weird to even say it…and kind of scary. And now we’re starting to get nostalgic for stuff that around in the 2000s…and what a glorious decade it was. AskReddit users talked about what things from the...

26 People Talk About Things That Are Much Cheaper if You Do Them Yourself

I wish I knew how to work on cars. It’s never too late to learn new things, but it’s something that I just never took the time to figure out when I was younger and I think it would be nice to be able to do some of those basic maintenance things myself. And it...

Worker Made Sure His Bosses Couldn’t Get Ahold of Him on His Cell Phone

I guess it depends on what kind of work you do, but being expected to be on call all the time sounds like it would be pretty infuriating…unless you’re a brain surgeon or something. But this tech support worker shared a story about how he dealt with a situation like this…let’s take a look. Yes,...

12 People Share What They Don’t Think Will Exist in 25 Years

I have a friend who works in the grocery store business and he’s convinced that there will be no actual human beings checking us out in 10 years. It’s all going to be automated, he contends… Will he be right? We’ll see… What do you think won’t exist in 25 years? Here’s what AskReddit users...

20 People Share the Popular Trends They Remember That Everyone Seems to Have Forgotten

I think it’s time for me to throw on a pair of parachute pants, some Reebok Pumps, and a Vuarnet France t-shirt so I can hit the town in style. Okay, maybe I’m dating myself just a little bit. But that just got all of us in the mood to talk about some trends that...

15 Products So Innovative People Immediately Said “I NEED IT!!!”

People think they have great ideas for new and necessary products all the time, but the real test is whether or not other people think they need it. And these 15 inventors definitely had something on their hands, because when potential customers heard about their innovative ideas, they just knew they had to have it. 15....

12 Solutions That Prove That ‘It’s Not Stupid If It Works’

Sometimes experts are the best people for the job, but sometimes, absolutely clueless people can solve problems, too. Hence the common saying: “If it’s stupid and it works, it’s not stupid.” A Reddit user asked the site for examples of this phenomenon in action. Some of the responses are impressively stupid indeed, but hey, they...

What Do You Miss About the Way the Internet Used to Be? Here’s What People Said.

My experience with the OLD internet was mostly just annoying my sister by tying up the phone line so I could slowly download bad-quality mp3s. Those were the good old days! But a lot has changed since then. Let’s see what Reddit misses: 1. The nerdiness A real high presence of programming stuff, STEM stuff etcetera....