

12 People Share What They Think Are the Scariest Things Mankind Has Created

I have a good friend who likes to say, “I love humanity, I tolerate human beings.” I think I know what he’s getting at…humans do a lot of terrible things to each other. And a lot of scary things, too. Folks on AskReddit shared what they think are the scariest things ever invented by humans....

What’s the Scariest Thing Mankind Has Ever Created? People Shared Their Thoughts.

I think I gotta go with nuclear weapons on this one… I mean, what could be scarier than mutually assured destruction, right? But I’m sure there are plenty of things that I didn’t think of… What’s the scariest thing mankind has ever created? AskReddit users shared their thoughts. 1. Frightening. “The most terrifying inventions are...

12 People Talk About How They Occupied Their Time Before the Internet Existed

Sorry, younger people, but I’m here to burst your bubble. Growing up WITHOUT the Internet was actually pretty amazing. My friends and I rode our bikes, played sports, ran through the woods, and basically created our own fun every day after school and on the weekends. The only thing you had to make sure you...

What Did You Do With Your Time Before the Internet Existed? Here’s What People Said.

I remember when I first encountered the Internet when I was in high school. It was pretty primitive back then but it was still pretty mind-blowing. You mean you can actually chat with another person who lives on the other side of the planet? Whoa! It was obviously a huge game-changer for society. But how...

If You Could Remove One Thing From the World, What Would It Be? People Responded.

Wow, this sure is a big question, huh? The possibilities are really endless… War, poverty, crime, disease, the list goes on and on. If you could remove one thing from the world, what would it be? AskReddit users shared their thoughts. 1. That would be nice. “Intestinal problems. I got diagnosed with severe IBS and...

15 Professions People Say Are About To Fall By The Wayside

It should come as no surprise to anyone that there are jobs in this world that are, very soon, no longer going to relevant. Our society is changing so rapidly, and technology is evolving at break-neck speed, and it just makes sense that more and more professions are just no longer going to be needed....

17 Inventions People Say Only Exist To Annoy People

The world has changed so rapidly over the past several decades that it can be hard to keep up – so many inventions happening literally all of the time, and honestly, most of them seem to make everyone’s life just a bit easier. Some, though, seem to have been invented only annoy the crap out...

13 People Share What They Think Is the Greatest Invention of All Time

Never underestimate the power of human innovation. I mean, after all, some brilliant person came up with air conditioning, right? And what the hell would we do without that?!?! I don’t even want to think about it… AskReddit users talked about what they think are the greatest inventions in human history. Let’s take a look....