
World Culture

He Told a 6’8” Man to Upgrade His Seat on a Flight. Was He a Jerk?

Hmmm, I’m not quite sure what to think about this one… Is it okay to ever tell anyone that they should upgrade their seating on a flight? Especially if you don’t even know them? Let’s get all the details below and see if this guy was out of line for suggesting this. AITA for telling...

Mercedes-Benz Will Make You Pay An Extra Monthly Fee To Get More Acceleration

When you pay a good amount of money for a car, you expect to be able to access all of the features that were loaded onto it before you signed on the dotted line and drove it off the lot…right? Well, if you’ve purchased a certain model of Mercedes-Benz electric vehicle, or are planning to...

Who Tried to Warn People About Something That Happened but No One Listened? People Responded.

History is full of people who tried to warn their fellow humans about something terrible they believed was going to happen…and then it did. And it happens a lot in our personal lives, too. Let’s hear from folks on AskReddit about people who tried to warn about something bad and no one listened to them....

Who Are You Getting Really Tired of Hearing About? People Shared Their Thoughts.

We live in a world filled with constant information, constant news, and constant NOISE. And it can be hard to unplug and block everything out…because there are a lot of really BAD and really ANNOYING things going on in the world. Let’s hear from AskReddit users about what they’re sick and tired of hearing about....

She Started an Argument Because Her Boyfriend Boarded a Plane Before Her. Was She Wrong?

Yikes…I’ve seen way too many people throw tantrums in airports to have a whole lot of sympathy for folks who do it… But let’s get all the details of this woman’s story first before we make a judgment, okay? Read on to get all the details. AITA for starting an argument because my boyfriend boarded...

14 People Admit What Disgusts Them the Most About Today’s Society

How much time ya got, buddy? Because a lot of us could probably talk about this topic for a while… But since we have limited time, we’re gonna hear from these folks on AskReddit who admitted what disgusts them about today’s society. Take a look at what they had to say. 1. True. “Nobody takes...

What Radical Societal Change Do You Think Will Happen in Your Lifetime? People Shared Their Thoughts.

I remember when 9/11 took place and it just seemed totally inconceivable that something like that could happen. I imagine it’s probably what the attack on Pearl Harbor felt like to people who were alive in 1941…and there’s no doubt that both events changed the world in drastic ways. So you never really know what...

What’s The Worst Thing About Today’s Society? People Shared Their Thoughts.

There are many great things about life these days, but let’s be honest, today’s society is pretty messed up…and there are a lot of things to be disgusted by. So let’s see what AskReddit users had to say about this. Start now! 1. Come on! “Believing everything you hear. My mom believed they were really...