What Should You Never Buy on the Cheap? People Shared Their Thoughts.
The older I’ve gotten, the more I’ve realized that there are certain things you just can’t buy on the cheap. Sure, when I was young and dumb I’d buy the cheap version of pretty much everything. But now that I’m older (and still pretty dumb), I splurge more for things that are higher quality. What...
12 People Admit the Brands That They Just Can’t Stand
I don’t really consider myself a “brand” person so all the responses you’re about to see will definitely be enlightening to me. And I think they will be to you, too! Let’s hear from AskReddit users about the brands that they are definitely not fans of. Start now! 1. Pyramid scheme. “Mary Kay. And all...
What Profession Do You Have No Respect For? People Shared Their Thoughts.
Is there a profession out there that you really just can’t get behind, no matter what? I think we all have a couple of jobs in mind that we have no respect for…but would you admit them out in the open? Well, these AskReddit users did, so let’s see what they had to say. 1....
12 People Open Up About the Financial Mistakes From College That Still Haunt Them
No doubt about it, money mistakes you make when you’re young can really bite you and they can take a really long time to correct. And hopefully, these stories that people shared about their own financial mistakes they made when they were in college can help out some other folks. Take a look at what...
Boss Fires an Employee Returning From Maternity Leave and Asks The Internet if They’re Wrong. And Yeah…
Working moms have it rough in America. A majority don’t get paid maternity leave, which means they end up back at work sooner than they would like, only to feel as if they’re looked down upon for having a baby at all. This post that proves that even when a person does get “enough” maternity leave,...
Woman Asks if She’s Wrong for Buying Her Daughter Personalized Stationary for School So It Can’t Be Redistributed in Class
I don’t have kids, so the concept of sharing school supplies with other kids is kind of foreign to me. Has it always been this way? I don’t remember this from my own childhood, but that was a long time ago and the memories are pretty hazy… But back to this story: is this woman...
Woman Asks if She’s Wrong for Canceling a Trip After She Found Out Her Husband Hid Their Daughter’s Passport
Uh oh…this story sure doesn’t sound good… But that’s pretty much the norm when you read stories from Reddit’s “Am I the A**hole?” page! So dig into this one and see if you think this woman was out of line for canceling a family trip. AITA for cancelling the entire trip after finding out that...
12 People Who Were Considered “Gifted” in School Talk About What They’re Doing Now
I keep up with some of the gifted kids I went to school with on social media and some of them are doing some pretty impressive things! But then there are some other folks who were in the same boat who struggled after school ended for one reason or another…maybe it was the pressure of...