
World Culture

Manager Asks if They’re Wrong for Not Scheduling a New Employee’s Vacation

How long do you have to work at a place before you can take a vacation? Six months? Nine months? And what happens if you already had a vacation scheduled before you take a job and you clear it with your employer? You should get the time off, right? Well, let’s see what happened in...

Teens Left a Middle Finger as a Tip When Their Waitress Wouldn’t Serve Them Booze

Kids today, I’ll tell ya. You can never tell what they’re gonna do…and that can be a good thing or a bad thing. And in this case…it wasn’t a good thing! A Hooters waitress made a viral TikTok video and said that a group of teenage boys didn’t leave her a tip and left a...

She Ignored an Autistic Person on Her Flight. Is She Wrong?

I get it… Although I’m the kind of person who tries to be polite to everyone I meet, there are sometimes when I’m on a plane that I just want to be left alone. Maybe I’m tired, maybe it’s been a long day, or maybe I just don’t feel like making small talk with someone...

This Is What You Should Do When a Cop Asks to Search Your Vehicle

Have you ever been pulled over by the police before? I have, and even though I was never guilty of anything more serious than driving over the speed limit, I found the whole experience to be uncomfortable. Maybe just because I’m nervous around police for some reason. I’ve also had police ask to search my...

12 Underrated Travel Destinations That People Highly Recommend

If you’re still undecided about where to go on your next vacation, perhaps these answers from folks on AskReddit will give you some direction. Let’s see what they had to say! 1. Greece! “Thessaloniki, Greece. Great history, awesome food, a vibrant nightlife, and exciting destinations you can explore nearby like Chalkidiki and Mount Olympus.” 2....

7 Habits of People Who Are Good at Saving Money

Saving money can be hard…especially with how expensive everything seems to be right now. Gas, groceries, you name it. But today we’re gonna get some pro tips about the habits of folks who are good at saving money. So pay attention! 1. Start a retirement account. You should try to put 10% to 15% of...

Guy Gives “Evil Genius” Advice About How Women Can Get Promoted Faster

Well, this is a new one… The world of business is cut-throat no matter what field you happen to be in and a lot of people are looking to get ahead in any way that they can. But there’s good career advice and then there’s bad career advice. As far as what this guy had...

Guy Tried to Give a Police Officer a Ticket for Not Parking Correctly

Hey, I guess some cops out there do have a sense of humor! Which most folks never get to see because we usually only hear the negative things about that profession. But still…even though this video is funny and ended well… This might not be the best idea, so don’t try this at home. It...