
World Culture

What Are Good Jobs for Lazy People? Take a Look at the Responses.

I’m definitely what some people might call a “spaz”, but having a really simple job where you don’t have to do much and the time creeps by slowly just isn’t for me. I’ve had jobs like that before, but each day felt like an eternity and it’s just not my thing. I like to be...

He Refuses to Give Up His College Tuition Money to Help Out His Family. Is He a Jerk?

Now, this is a tricky situation… How would you respond if your family demanded that you give you up college tuition money to help out a sick family member who needs a lot of help? That’s the dilemma this young man finds himself in. Let’s take a look. AITA for refusing to give up my...

15 Bosses Who Are The Actual Worst

We all know that when we take a new job, we never know exactly what sort of boss we’re going to get. Will the micromanage us? Give us space to do our jobs and feel like part of the team? Or will they be the absolute worst, and make your life a living hell until...

18 Things People Say We Don’t Realize Are A Privilege

Look, I know that discussions around privilege, what that really means, and what counts can be completely fraught these days – but that doesn’t mean we should stop having them, right? It’s important to to our due diligence in understanding this concept and how it applies to us and our lives, so if you’re curious...

28 People Talk About the Things Younger Generations Won’t Get To Experience Growing Up

I always thought it would have been amazing to have grown up in the 1950s, 1960s, or 1970s, but I have to say, coming of age in the 1990s was a lot of fun. We were the last generation to grow up without cell phones or the Internet and we had to be creative and...

What Was the Most Ridiculous Rule at Your School? People Responded.

I don’t know what the reasoning was behind this, but for some reason at my middle school, we had to “tread lightly” on the bleachers in the gym because there was a “mechanical mechanism” that could be damaged. It was very strange and we got yelled at about it every single time we went into...

23 Veteran Teachers Discuss the Generation of Kids They Enjoyed Teaching the Most

My sister has been a high school teacher for 25 years and she tells me stories about how the kids have changed throughout the years. Because you know what they say…those darn kids today! And that saying exists for a reason… Teachers who have been around for a while talked about which generation they’ve enjoyed...

Teachers and Students Share Their Funniest “Forgot to Turn Off the Microphone“ Zoom Stories

We live in a world where most of us have to use Zoom these days…which can be good and bad. Good because it makes learning and meetings a lot easier, bad because, well…we’re still living through a pandemic and we can’t do some things face-to-face for the time being. But this has definitely led to...