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Remember Chris Crocker, the “leave Britney alone” guy? You know, the teen who became a YouTube sensation after filming himself tearfully defending Britney Spears in the middle of her 2007 mental breakdown?
This guy?
Well, he’s super good-looking now, which, on the Internet, is the best revenge for mean-spirited viral fame you can hope for.
Feast your Internet eyes on this Internet sensation:

Photo Credit: Instagram, itschriscrocker

Photo Credit: Instagram, itschriscrocker
Crocker now works as a comedian and a singer, though several years ago he apparently dabbled with a porn career.
Take heart, kids: no matter how awkward your teenage years, there’s still a chance that, someday, you’ll be hot enough that people will want to pay money to watch you have sex.
This article was first published by our friends at Someecards.