
Comparison Images That Are So Interesting You’ll Have to Look Twice

Life sure is interesting, huh?

And it can get REALLY interesting when you compare stuff side by side.

And you’re about to get a whole lot of great examples of exactly what I’m talking about.

Let’s take a look!

1. What a good pooch!

You gave him a good life.

The day after Asher was adopted in 2012 vs. today from r/aww

2. Tons of powder!

What else can you ask for?

It’s been a good winter in Steamboat Springs from r/pics

3. Tracks in the snow.

They tell the story.

We have two skinny cats, and one fat one. from r/pics

4. Trees on fire.

How pretty!

The difference 11 days can make for this maple tree from r/pics

5. Wow. That’s amazing.

A beautiful city.

I took this day and night shots of Barcelona city grids from different hours in one day from r/pics

6. Gee, thanks a lot…

It’s Rob Lowe, what do you expect?

My wife’s face on our wedding day compared to when she met Rob… from r/pics

7. The real deal.

In living color!

Movie vs real life from r/aww

8. That is a HUGE cat.

I’m impressed.

Size comparison of my Maine Coon to my American Shorthair from r/aww

9. Little and big.

A huge difference.

My brother and his friend, both age 13. We loved the difference in height. from r/pics

10. It’s a twister.

Better take cover.

The size of a tornado compared to the size of wind turbines. from r/pics

11. Not having a good time anymore.

We’ll go back to the beach soon!

At the beach vs cleaning feet after from r/aww

12. Times have changed.

A little bit of an improvement, don’t you think?

Graphics Then vs Graphics Now from r/gaming

How about you?

Has anything on social media lately really caught your eye?

I’m talking about articles, tweets, facts, memes, etc.?

If so, please share them with us in the comments. We’d love to hear from you!