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You probably remember a few years ago when the term “dad bod” reared it’s ugly head – it was basically women saying they thought a slightly rounded belly and back hair were actually hot, because they found men who were good dads and good husbands to be the s^xiest around.
Women, of course, are not typically afforded the same luxury. Instead of being attractive simply by virtue of being good wives and good mothers and enjoying pizza with their families on Friday nights, they’re also supposed to find time to work out and stave themselves in order to be considered attractive.

Image Credit: TikTok
But no more, my friends, because you can’t argue with the logic in this TikTok video from Rachel Whipple, a mom and real estate agent from Oregon.
“Do you ever think about how society is so accepting of dad bods, and yet, it’s women who literally carry and birth the child. And the second they do, they’re bombarded by society about how to lose the baby weight. Because their ‘mom’ bod that literally birthed a human is not accepted, but a dad bod is.”
Rachel told Buzzfeed in an interview that the dad bod thing always “rubbed her the wrong way.”
“I love that it allows for body acceptance and confidence, but why only for men? I couldn’t understand how ‘dad bods achieved this cultural acceptance while society was still preying on women’s insecurities with such intensity.”
Women on TikTok and everywhere else are cheering for Rachel’s words, making “mom bod” videos, and doing their best to embrace their own bodies.
Thanks for doing the good work, Rachel, and making some excellent points we should all give ourselves the grace to hear.
I couldn’t love this trend more, if we’re being honest.
How about everyone just be happy in their own skin and let other people feel good in theirs? Let’s do that!