
Did This Woman Overreact To Finding A Coworker Going Through Her Purse?

I think most of us can agree that a woman’s purse is private property. For some women, it’s almost an extension of their body they’re so attached to it.

There are very few reasons anyone would dare go inside of one without permission, but this woman’s coworker figured she wouldn’t mind.

She and her coworker have a good relationship (or they did); one that often involved her loaning him a phone charger because he often forgets his.

There’s this coworker “Martin” 31M. who always forgets where he leaves his stuff. He always forgets his phone charger at home and borrows mine to use.

I don’t mind lending him my charger, He’s a nice person and I love maintaining a good relationship with my coworkers. Especially!! male coworkers.

Then one day she returned from the bathroom to find him going through her pure “looking for her charger” because he didn’t think she would mind since he borrows it all the time anyway.

The other day, I was in the restroom then when I walked back into the office, I saw Martin with both hands inside my purse literally looking through it. I was shocked.

I have highly personal stuff that I carry in my purse. I freaked out and snatched my purse out of his hands asking what he was doing. He got nervous and said he was looking for my charger.

I asked why he thought it was okay for him to look through my purse and he said that, since I always lend him my charger then he thought I wouldn’t mind if he looked for it in my purse when he couldn’t ask me because I was out of the office and he needed it right then.

She absolutely did mind and ended up reporting him up the chain, resulting in his getting in trouble because of it.

Her coworkers are being critical of her decision and think she should have just let it go, but she’s not so sure.

I went and filed a report with the company’s headquarters after telling them what happened. They said it was unacceptable and promised to deal with it.

Martin got into trouble for this and he and my coworkers were pissed saying I overreacted and went way overboard by reporting this situation. My female coworker told me to “get over myself” and stop crying victim over a simple “misunderstanding”.

I felt very guilty after this now I think I might have blown this out of proportion and overreacted.

Reddit’s dropping their opinions below!

The top commenter thinks that, if anything, she UNDER-reacted to what transpired.

Image Credit: Reddit

This person thinks the behavior is actually deranged.

Image Credit: Reddit

It seems unlikely that he couldn’t have waited for 5 minutes.

Image Credit: Reddit

No one should have their privacy violated at work.

Image Credit: Reddit

No matter the intent, it was definitely not a good look.

Image Credit: Reddit

Definitely don’t do this, and while you’re at it, teach your kids to always ask first, too.

The world will be a much happier place if you do.