
Fabulous Pigeon Found in Rhinestone Jacket Finally Reunited with Owner

Photo Credit: Facebook

Several weeks ago, an especially glitzy pigeon was found in Glendale, Arizona and turned over to a local bird sanctuary called Fallen Feathers for care.

Photo Credit: Facebook

Did he mention he was decked out in rhinestones?

He looked to be healthy, well taken care of and like he’s seen at least one red carpet. “He’s friendly and fits on your finger,” Jody Kieran, director of the sanctuary, told AZ Central. Appropriately, the caretakers at Fallen Feathers named him Liberace.

Photo Credit: Facebook

Fallen Feathers spread the word about the fancy fowl via Facebook, the local news stations and papers hoping to connect him with his owner. If the owner didn’t respond within a month, Liberace would be put up for adoption.

But one question kept popping up over and over again. What is a flight suit?

The sanctuary blogged an explanation. A flight suit is a diaper for birds. It protects clothing and furniture when pet birds are out of their cages.

And clearly they are easy to customize.

Photo Credit: Facebook

…The more you know.

Kieran appreciated all the concern and shares her posts garnered. She wanted to find the owner and get Liberace back to watching the TV westerns he favored in his own home. “This was a bird that was loved,” she said.

Photo Credit: Facebook

If no one stepped up to adopt him, Kieran was even considering releasing Liberace in the wild.

Thankfully, a call came from someone in the area who happened to see a news story on Liberace on Instagram. It turns out Liberace’s real name is Olive, which, while not as glamorous-sounding, is still pretty cute. And just like that, owner and beloved, bedazzled Olive were finally reunited.

Now Olive can finally relax at home and watch his favorite movie, Lonesome Dove.