I guess it’s up to the bride to figure out who she wants to walk her down the aisle at her wedding, but sometimes that decision leads to some hurt feelings.
Dig in to this story from the “Am I the A**hole?” page and let us know what you think.
AITA for agreeing to walk my sister down the aisle?
“When i was 14 my mother d**d giving birth to my now 20 year old sister Elise, my father blamed El and started excessively drinking.
At 14 I basically became the main caretaker of my three siblings, my aunt and a few family friends were able to help out but the most they could do was bring us groceries and handle inheritance. For the next four years I paid a babysitter for when i was at school, and took care of my siblings for the rest of the day.
When I graduated high school I decided against college and immediately took up a part time job. My dad was almost never in the picture, he fell into a heavy depression and almost d**d of overdose three times, I knew he wanted to be involved, I tried to help him as much as I could but it hurt to watch.
When Elise was around a year old she started learning to talk and started non stop calling me “dada” it broke my heart in so many ways. I tried to get her to stop at first but eventually I stopped, I reasoned that if she saw me as her dad then I was doing something right.
When I was 19 my dad overheard me helping Elise with her reading and she called me her dad, he blew up on both of us, that I was trying to take his place and she doesn’t deserve to be apart of this family after she killed her mom. I decided right then and there I was don’t trying with him and used my inheritance and my aunts help to move me and my siblings out into a small apartment, it was so sudden I guess it snapped him into reality.
Its been over a decade since then and he’s now gotten sober, a few years ago he decided he wanted to form a bond with Elise, she was hesitant but agreed. Elise is now engaged and is im the middle of planning her wedding, we’ve always been very close so I knew i’d atleast give a speech but when she approached me to ask if i’d be the one to walk her down the aisle i was overjoyed.
I was at a planning dinner last night when I joked that i’d need a nicer suit now that i’d be on the aisle, everyone laughed but my dad just looked confused, he asked what I meant when Elise cut in and explained that she wanted me to walk her down the aisle since It felt right because I always walked her to school everyday her entire life.
Aunt and my other siblings thought it was sweet but my dad and grandma pulled me aside later to tell me that they understood where Elise was coming from and they didn’t blame her but I should have rejected the offer because it’s traditionally a fatherly role and I know how hard my dad has been working to be a good father to Elise.
I told them i’d think about it, a few days have passed and my grandma and some family friends have called me everyday telling me i’d be the a**hole to take this away from my dad.”
Here’s what Reddit users said about this.
This person said this guy is NTA and that it’s up to the bride to choose who does this.

Photo Credit: Reddit
And another individual said it sounds like the woman’s dad tried to do this a little bit too late.

Photo Credit: Reddit
This Reddit user made a good point about actions having consequences.

Photo Credit: Reddit
What do you think about what happened here?
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