I’ll go with you…just don’t ask me to eat any food!
Hmmm, that’s kind of a strange decision, don’t you think…?
Well, let’s get all the details before we decide if this guy is acting like an a**hole or not.
Start now!
AITA for going to a restaurant she likes, but I don’t order food?
“We were deciding what to eat and she really wanted to go to this restaurant. I was on board with it, but I am super picky and had no idea what this restaurant had.
We get there, I look at the menu, and nothing looks even semi-good. For example, all of the sandwiches had wheat bread only and I hate wheat. Anyway, I let her order her food and when the lady asks what I want, I told her I wasn’t eating. I told my girlfriend I wanted her to enjoy the meal and I was happy to be there.
My girlfriend got so mad, got up and left. I left with her and asked what the big deal was. She insists that I need to be there eating with her. We ended up going somewhere else together, but it irritated me. Am I in the wrong here?”
Check out what Reddit users had to say.
One person said that this guy is an a**hole for not being prepared and he should have done some research.
But another Reddit user said they don’t see an issue with going out to a restaurant but not actually eating anything when you’re with other people.
And this individual said they understand why his GF is annoyed by this but that doesn’t make this guy an a**hole.
What do you think?
Let us know in the comments.
Thanks in advance!