
Instagram Deactivated a Model’s Account After She’d Raised Thousands for Australia by Selling Dirty Photos

Image Credit: Twitter

Kaylen Ward, a 20-year-old influencer and online sex worker from Los Angeles, California, says she’s raised hundreds of thousands of dollars for Australian bushfire relief…all by trading cash for dirty pictures.

She’s calling herself a Naked Philanthropist now, and even if her methods offend some – including Instagram, apparently – I doubt the animals and people Down Under really care how the money got to them in their time of need.

Kaylen, like many people, felt devastated as she watched Australia burn. As a survivor of 2019’s Carr fire in California, which left more than 200,000 acres smoldering and 8 people dead, Ward has seen firsthand the ruin wildfires can cause.


As she wondered what she could do to help, lit on her idea, and tweeted it out – one dirty photo in exchange for a verified $10 donation to a list of approved charities.

She told Buzzfeed she was expecting to raise “maybe $1000, but the tweet blew up.”

It was retweeted more than 40,000 times, and Kaylen’s inbox was so flooded she had to hire a team of 4 people to help her sort through all of the messages, verify donations, and reply with the promised dirty photos.

Ward says that they’d raised around $500,000 when Instagram shut down her account, claiming she’d violated their guidelines against posting “sexually suggestive content.”

Even though not everyone understands her reasons – like IG, her family, or the guy she likes – Kaylen isn’t stopping anytime soon.

And she’s getting plenty of support from strangers online, too – and not just the ones forking over cash.

I don’t know about you, but I’m kind of with Kaylen Ward on this one – when the world needs our help, we give what we can. And if she wants to give pictures of her body to help the cause, and does it of her own free will, I say go on, girl.

Naked Philanthropist to the rescue, little koalas.