
Is She Wrong for Not Taking the Option to Work From Home? People Responded.

I guess everyone’s situation is different, but I think that working from home is AMAZING.

And there’s no going back for me, baby!

But the woman who wrote this post on Reddit’s “Am I the A**hole?” page turned down that option and it’s causing some friction in her life.

See what she had to say below…

AITA for not taking the option of working from home?

“I work for a tech company. My husband is an aspiring author. He has had some success and we hope for more in the future.

When I got pregnant I negotiated a full year of maternity leave with my employer. I would not lose seniority or miss out of certain aspects of profit sharing. I’m sorry for being vague but I know many of our employees are in Reddit so I am going to fudge some information.

In return for the accommodation I made with my employer I got a month of completely uninterrupted time with my new baby. Then I started taking on tasks from home on my own schedule. On average it was 15 hours or so a week.

My husband writes at home so we decided that he would be the stay at home parent and when I was working he would care for our baby. It was a pretty good arrangement I thought.

And it was for about a month. Then he would start ignoring the baby crying, or claiming that the baby wanted me. That sort of thing. It started to interfere with my deal with my boss. I told him in no uncertain terms that if he kept interrupting me while I was working I would hire a nanny for help, but take the funds out of our fun budget. The budget that pays for dinners out, vacations, and hobbies. He got the point and I got my one to two hours of uninterrupted time every day.

Until recently. It is almost time for me to return to work full time. Once again my employer was very accommodating. They were impressed with my ability to contribute meaningfully to my group during my maternity leave. So they offered me a choice of WFH, work in the office, or a hybrid schedule. I discussed it with my husband and he said that I should chose to WFH so I could help more with the baby. I chose to return to the office.

I have access to a private room and a freezer so I can store milk. I am able to interact with my team and I enjoy the environment.

My husband is saying that I’m being cruel and that my baby needs me. I said I would WFH if he got a job to pay for the nanny so it didn’t affect our budget. He said it didn’t make sense. I almost said ‘no s**t Sherlock “.

He wants me to be the main breadwinner while he tries to get published, he wants to enjoy life in an expensive city, and he wants to stay home to write. Some of these desires are mutually exclusive without him stepping up and giving me time and space to earn a living.

We just saw his family for Thanksgiving and he was complaining to his mom about me choosing to leave him at home with the baby and returning to work. She started in on me for my choice. I was embarrassed until his dad spoke up and reminded her that when my husband was born she was a stay at home mom and housewife. He said that was what my husband signed up for if he didn’t want a job. It just became a big argument.

Now we are home and I feel bad and he says that he feels emasculated. So we are arguing. I feel like an a**hole abandoning him and our baby. And his mom thinks I am.”

Here’s what folks had to say on Reddit.

One person said she’s NTA and that her husband is the one who is making things difficult.

Photo Credit: Reddit

And this reader said if he’s not going to contribute, maybe he should move back in with his parents.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Another Reddit user said she’s NTA and this guy should get a job and work on his writing in his spare time.

Photo Credit: Reddit

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