
Is This Mom Wrong for Returning All the Packages Her Daughter Ordered? People Responded.

Uh oh…this sounds like a big-time family fight is going on here

Because you and I both know that people really, really don’t like it when their packages get sent back.

No way!

So did this mom go overboard?

Check out her story and see what you think

AITA for returning all of my daughter’s packages that she ordered?

“My daughter (f31) is currently in the process of moving. She’s been living Brussels for the past 4 years and is now moving back to London as she was offered a better position.

She can move into her new flat in mid February so she asked if she could stay with me and of course, I agreed, I missed her. If course, I refused to accept any rent (she offered).

It’s been great but one thing I’ve noticed is that my daughter has a habit of ordering online. A lot. She runs out of toothpaste? She won’t bother going to the shop, she’ll just order it online with her other essentials like shampoo. Needs clothes or stuff for her new house? She’ll order it.

She even bought her father’s birthday gift and wrapping paper online. She even has groceries delivered because she insisted she pays for them because she lives rent free. She barely goes to shops and because of people like her our high streets are dying.

It’s unhealthy and every time for a week now, whenever a package came, I returned it which forced her to shop locally a few times.

But now, because quite a few packages never arrived, she realised what’s been happening and confronted me and she’s fuming. She accused me of treating her like a child and saying I had no right to return her stuff.

I told her that something had to be done and I tried explaining my point but she told me she’s done, package her stuff and went stay at a hotel, wasting money. I asked her to move back, promised to not do it again b it she’s stubborn and won’t listen. She told me she’ll stay at a hotel until she can move into her flat.

I only wanted to help her but she’s being so unreasonable. My husband stays neutral and I don’t know. Was I the a**hole here? Was I wrong for returning those packages.”

And here’s what Reddit users had to say.

This reader said this woman is an a**hole: no doubt about it.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Another Reddit user also said she’s an a**hole and that she doesn’t seem to value her daughter very much.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Another individual added that the woman’s husband is partly to blame for this situation, too.

Photo Credit: Reddit

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