
Man Asks if He’s Wrong for Giving Some of His Inheritance to His Brother When His Sister Needs It for IVF

Here we go with family inheritance money complicating things again…

And this story has a little twist in it, as you will see shortly.

Read on to see what happened in this story from Reddit’s “Am I the A**hole?” page.

AITA for giving my part of the inheritance to my brother when my sister needs it for her IVF?

“My (34M) father (65M) d**d a few months ago and his estate is now being divided between me and my two siblings.

I have enough money and don’t really need the inheritance. My siblings and I were talking about the money hat is supposed to be divided 3 ways.

I’m childless, my brother (33M) has 3 small kids and my sister ( 41F) has been trying for a baby for over a decade now.

I told them since I don’t need the money, I’m thinking of giving it to my brother, because he has been struggling financially and can use the money. My sister asked if I could instead give it to her for her last round of IVF (that would cost her share + my share of the inheritance) as it’s her last chance to have a baby.

I told her I’m sorry, but our brother doesn’t have much money and has 3 kids depending on him, so I feel that it’s better he gets my money. She asked me if my brother’s kids are more important than hers and I said “well yes, the living children take priority over the imaginary”.

She was very hurt, called me an AH for 1) not helping her out and 2) insulting her and belittling her struggles.”

And here’s how Reddit users reacted.

This reader said he’s NTA but he probably could have been a little bit nicer about it…

Photo Credit: Reddit

And this individual had a good idea of what he might want to do about this situation.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Another Reddit user said this guy’s sister is an a**hole and she sounds delusional.

Photo Credit: Reddit

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