
Man Asks if He’s Wrong for Telling His Girlfriend That He Can’t Afford to Be Her Sugar Daddy

Hey, not everyone is rolling in cash, you know what I’m saying?

But some people can’t handle the truth!

And a guy asked the fine folks on Reddit’s “Am I the A**hole?” page if he was wrong for telling his girlfriend that he can’t afford to be her sugar daddy.

Uh oh! This should be interesting!

AITA for telling my girlfriend that we cannot afford for me to be her sugar daddy?

“My (M27) girlfriend (23) is absolutely beautiful. And most of her friends are also physically attractive women as well. And they like to party with rich men they meet.

My girlfriend and I have been together for a couple of years. I make a decent living but I’m not NBA rich. I don’t have a trust fund. I’m not an tech millionaire. I just make a very good salary and bonuses. Enough to have paid of a good portion of my house and to have graduated without debt.

I want to retire young enough to enjoy my life so I invest and save most of my money. Not all. I’m still enjoying my life now. I am taking us to an all inclusive in Jamaica for New Year’s.

But she is jealous of her friends. They get lavish gifts and they go out for dinner all the time.

She loves me and we have plans for the future but she keeps bringing up all the things her friends get from their make admirers.

I finally snapped and said that I could not afford to be a sugar daddy. She said her friends aren’t like that. So I pointed out that they literally do not make enough money to support the lifestyles they have. I pointed out that one of them drives a $100,000 Lexus and she work part time at restaurant as a hostess.

She says that I’m calling her friends s** workers, which I would not do, and judging them. So I asked her to explain how her friends afford dinner out at very expensive restaurants while earning minimum wage in some cases.

So now she thinks I’m an a**hole for making what I feel are apt observations.

She asked if I consider her that way because I pay for everything and earn 6X what she does. I told her no. That I’m proud to have a teacher for a girlfriend. But she is still sulking.”

Check out how folks reacted on Reddit.

This reader said he’s NTA and his GF sounds immature.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Another individual said he needs to sit down with his GF and be honest with her.

Photo Credit: Reddit

And another individual said he’s NTA and his GF sounds like a spoiled brat.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Now it’s your turn!

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