
People Discuss the “You’re Not Going to Always Have a Calculator in Your Pocket” Warnings We’ll Be Saying in 20 Years

You’re not always gonna have a calculator in your pocket!

If you’re of a certain age, you probably remember hearing that from certain teachers…I know I sure do!

But times have changed, friends…

AskReddit users shared their opinions on what the equivalent of “you’re not always going to have a calculator in your pocket” will be in 20 years.

Let’s see what they had to say.

1. That’ll be weird.

“You’re not always going to have a strong wifi signal in your brain-chip!”

2. Dark times ahead?

“Unfortunately, “You’re not always going to be able to go out and see people.”

Covid, loss of ozone, increased pollution.”

3. Heard this one?

“We’re probably already there, but “Wikipedia is not a valid source” is a thing we were told a lot when I was in school.

As far as I’m concerned it’s at least as valid as any textbook, and a good deal more transparent in its sourcing.”

4. Math is good.

“I work in a lab and currently training a new young hire.

You have no clue of the empty stares I got from him while I mentally do simple dilution calculations. Even if you are going to have a calculator in your pocket for the rest of your life, learn how to do math with yourself head.

It’s just simpler and faster.”

5. That would be nice.

“Hopefully it’ll be, ‘ I can’t afford to go see a doctor.'”

6. Just look it up!

“How are you going to get around a foreign country if you don’t know the language?”

7. That’ll be the day.

“You’re not always gonna have access to the emergency cloning network.”

8. Oh, boy…

“You’re not always going to have enough of ammunition to defend your rainwater in the wasteland.”

9. Sure…

“You’re not going to have access to the Internet everywhere you go!”

10. Modern medicine.

“After the operation we’ll administer antibiotics to prevent infection.”

If antibiotic resistance grows and we don’t figure out a long term solution, surgery and many other staples of modern medicine will become incredibly dangerous.”

11. Going away fast.

“How do you expect to get a well paying job without a good degree?”

Sure, let’s just spend 10 years on a master’s degree to accrue a mountain of student loans which will take forever to pay off and end up getting paid minimum wage anyway.”

12. Let’s hope so!

““You’re not always going to have a mask in your pocket.”

13. Go ahead and put it in there.

“”You need to learn to use a computer.

It’s not like you’re going to have Google embedded in your brain in the future.”

14. Gotta get good grades!

“I’m not sure if there is a specific phrase for it but figuring out a career path out of high school.

Eventually, with the research in genetic engineering, people will be designed for their career path and their genetic biases will direct them as they do now.”

What do you think about this?

Give us some examples in the comments.

Please and thank you!