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Pain don’t hurt.
Actually, it does, but I just REALLY wanted to quote Patrick Swayze in Road House because it’s the greatest film of all time…
What do you think is the worst pain you’ve ever felt in your life?
Let’s feel the pain with folks on AskReddit!
1. Not pleasant.
“A drunk girl decided to start cooking during a house party at my place while I was in university…
She filled a pan with oil, turned it on max then went outside to have a smoke. (I was not in the kitchen). Few minutes later, the smoke alarm goes off as the oil had started to burn.
I didn’t realize how full it was, and when I grabbed the handle, the boiling oil spilled back onto my hand and I got severe burns all over it.
The pain just kept getting progressively worse the for hours and hours. Ended up getting a skin graft.
…. I’ve also had MASSIVE kidney stones and have been stabbed twice. Oil burn > Kidney stones > Stabbings.”
2. Sounds terrible.
“I once had an infection inside my wisdom tooth, that was the worst pain I’ve experienced.
Painkillers didn’t touch it, and just breathing was agony.
I spent 2 days awake before I could get it removed.”
3. Well, that’s weird.
“One time I woke up to terrible pain in my lower stomach, it was so bad that I kept on fainting and throwing up.
I was taken to the hospital and they couldn’t find anything, then the pain just magically went away.”
4. It was ugly.
“Appendix rupturing.
Thought I was just having a stomach ache, waited in bed for hours, got so bad I couldn’t walk.
Ambulance came and had to wheel me out in the fetal position. Emergency surgery, almost died, hospitalized for 2 1/2 weeks.
It was ugly.”
5. Broken arm.
“When I was in third grade I broke my arm jumping off a swing.
It was Labor Day weekend, so I guess all the good doctors at the hospital were on vacation, and the resident who was treating me set my arm wrong. They didn’t notice until I went back for follow up x-rays a couple weeks later, to check how I was healing.
My bones had already partially healed, but the angle was wrong, so what they did was saw open a bit of my cast and insert a wedge device, and crank it until my forearm was straight (they needed to bend it a good 30 degrees). I didn’t get any sort of pain killer.
Hurt like hell.”
6. Not big enough!
“Gallstones trying to move through a tiny space that wasn’t big enough for them.”
7. Scary.
“Had an ovarian cyst that burst. First it felt like normal pediod pain. Fast forward an hour later, I am throwing up in the bathroom and crying.
Of course I had no painkillers in the house and it was around 6 am so no store was open. The only thing I could think of doing, was drive to work because I knew there was medical kit with painkillers.
So I drove there in complete agony (very safe). I took few painkillers and went to lie on the conference room floor. Nice suprise to my colleagues when they arrived.
After that episode I got endometriosis diagnosis.”
8. Intense.
“I had to get a physical for the Navy. They found minute amounts of blood in my urine. You couldn’t see it when I peed, only using their testing process.
They had to figure out what was wrong with my bladder. First was a ultrasound of my full bladder. Annoying, but not painful. Then, apparently, the prostate can cause that type of issue. Got a finger up the b*tt. Again, uncomfortable, but not really painful. The last thing was to shove a camera up my urethra.
They gave me Vicodin and Valium, the same thing that gave me for my vasectomy. Nothing else pain wise was given. We’ll, as soon as they shoved the camera up my d*ck, I sobered up and felt the most intense pain ever.
They proceeded to wiggle it around in my bladder and trip my bladder is full switch. Got done and tried to pee. Visible blood this time and I felt violated for the rest of the day.
Found the same blood about 4 years later. Made them knock me out because I wasn’t doing that awake again.
Nothing conclusive was found. Doc said that some people have microscopic amounts of blood in their urine. I happen to be one of the unlucky ones.”
9. Whoa.
“I had a student stab me once.
16 stitches across my right ribs. It sucked, a lot, but when I got to the hospital and they started stitching it up, the adrenaline had worn off and the local anesthetic they gave me was not working.
The doctor (who I’m pretty sure studied medicine under Dr. Mengele) was not gentle or polite about it. Feeling him pierce my skin as he stitched me up made me throw up and black out.”
10. Agony.
“I once had to re-inflate my own lung after a 500cc pleural effusion was drained from one side.
Every breath was agony. I had to keep taking deep breaths over several hours to fully expand my lung to full size. Dr’s gave me Dilaudid every two hours that didn’t even touch the pain.
Only time I’ve ever gotten close to hitting a 10/10 pain.”
11. OMG.
“Got my foot cut off, but that wasn’t the worst pain.
When they removed the dressing from where they took the skin graft from my leg to replace the skin on my foot, it felt like they were peeling my skin off.”
12. Infected.
“I got a parasitic infection in my eye from using contacts in the shower, transmitted by my roommate’s ferret.
The months of light sensitivity sucked, as my eyes were effectively open sores.
Even a breeze on my face was rather painful.
But then came the surgery & treatment, where they anesthetized my eye and proceeded to scrape at it with a needle while I had to look on in horror and feel my eyeball pushed up against my skull.
Then for the next month I had to put literal bleach on my eye every 3 hours to sterilize it.
Imagine setting an alarm, putting bleach in your eyes, trying to fall asleep amid the burning, finally falling back asleep just before the alarm goes off again for another drop.
That definitely broke me.
Don’t f*ck around with contacts, kids.”
13. That sounds painful.
“I had a wart on the inside of my nose removed without any type of numbing.
It took two hours.”
14. Thanks for helping.
“I was getting in my car with my dog and my breakfast. I must’ve gotten in at a weird angle because my knee slipped out of place and I went crashing to the ground in pain.
As I got my bearings and tried to fix my leg, my dog just looked at me and ate my breakfast burritos.”
15. Bad timing.
“One time my Irritable Bowel Syndrome got so bad at a party that I had to call my wife to the bathroom to hold my hand because I couldn’t take it any more.
If it had gone on much longer I honestly think I would have passed out.”
Now it’s your turn!
In the comments, tell us about the worst pain you’ve ever felt.
We can’t wait to hear from you!