
People Share What Food Folks Should Try if They Visit Their Home Countries

One of the great joys of traveling is trying out different cuisines from different regions.

It just never gets old, ya know?!?!

And I’m the kind of person who could spend a lifetime traveling and eating and I’d still never be satisfied…are you like that, too?

What food should people try in your country?

Let’s see what AskReddit users had to say about this.

1. Polish food is great.


Pierogi (Slavic dumplings). Try cheese and potato pierogi, fried and topped with sour cream/bacon/fried onion. Also try sweet pierogi’s- with blueberries, strawberries etc. You can also eat them as is or top them with sour cream and sugar or a little bit of whipped cream.

Bigos (Hunter’s stew with cabbage, sausage, mushrooms)

Placki po zbojnicku/wegiersku (potato pancakes with goulash- meat stew). They are often topped with sour cream

Golabki: stuffed cabbage with rice and ground beef. It’s served mostly with tomato sauce or mushroom sauce

Barszcz czerwony: beet soup. It is freaking delish.

Zapiekanka: toasted open faced sandwich that’s made on baguette bread. It’s usually made with mushrooms, cheese and topped with ketchup and green onions but there are MANY different varieties. It’s a very popular street food

Cwikla/Buraki – grated beet salad, often with horseradish. It’s a very popular side dish

Mizeria- made with either tomatoes or cucumbers. It’s a salad with vegetables and sour cream.”

2. Holland.

“I used to live in The Netherlands and I love the country, but the food I was enjoying a lot was Kibbeling!

I can really just recommend it to anyone.

Eat it when you are in Rotterdam at the Maarkthall.”

3. Yummy.

“For Austria I would say Kaiserschmarren (sweet, a little bit like pancakes) and Gulaschsuppe (soup with vegetables and sausage).”

4. Germany.


Imagine Mac’n’cheese, but instead of noodles it’s with some dough stuff. And with onions.

I would kill for this dish.”

5. Down Under.

“If you want to try Vegemite DO NOT eat a spoonful of it or spread it thickly on toast.

You butter the toast then put a thin spread on.

I always cringe when I watch people trying Vegemite and eating a ton of it not even most Australians who have grown up on the stuff would like it like that.”

6. Sounds good.

“Scottish Indian Food

It’s a distinct thing, different even from British Indian. Lots of onion based gravy blended down to hide the vegetables, crisp fried pakoras, huge pillowy naan.

It wouldn’t be recognizable by an Indian person but it follows its own conventions – every Scottish Indian Restaurant will have largely the same dishes on the menu with some house specialities.

It’s the most comforting thing to me, and there’s probably an argument for it being the most authentic Scottish food – the vast majority of people here will have eaten a tikka masala way more often than venison or salmon.

And we love to argue about which place does it best.”

7. USA!

“A crab/seafood boil (if you’re up in Maine, USA).

It’s a delicious mess of crab, red potatoes, ears of corn, sausage, and whatever seafood you want to add like shrimp, mussels, lobster, etc.

You boil it all together in a big pot with old bay, white wine, and a bunch of other seasonings and then you dump it out onto a picnic table and everyone goes to town on it.

It’s a glorious mess!”

8. Viva Mexico!


Taco Bell ain’t nothing compared to the original here in Mexico.

Also this plate called birria which is kinda like beef stew but with a little twist.”

9. England.

“Fish and chips, out of the paper. Preferably eaten on the sea front, on a cool day. Mushy peas or curry sauce optional but delicious.

Alternatively, go to the black country and get the battered chips because for some reason it’s not enough that the fish is covered in batter, we must have the chips battered too.

And it is glorious.

While you’re at it, get some bread and butter and make a chip butty because that is comfort food. You want the chips hot enough to melt the butter a little bit.

A full English breakfast. And then you must also try a Scottish, Welsh, Northern Irish and Irish version at some point too.

And find a pub with a nice fire on a cold night and drink a pint of something local. We have so many breweries in the UK, so look for guest ales or ciders and try one. Most good pubs will recommend something.”

10. I’m getting hungry…


Milanesas, asado (for meat lovers), dulce de leche, mate, chocotorta, empanadas, choripan (we eat them usually with asado.

We also have morcipan but the most popular one is choripan hahah) and alfajores.”

11. Different regions.

“If you’re traveling to India, each frekkin region will have excellent and distinct cuisine.

Pork Vindaloo, Chettinad Chicken and appam, Bhapa Ilish (Hilsa fish coated with spices, wrapped in banana leaves, steamed), Makkai roti with sarson saag, vada pao, aloo tikki and other chaat, some mutton gosht and naan (I forget the name of the area now where this is found, in Mumbai).. these are just a few that come to mind.

Indian cuisine is so diverse and brilliant.”

12. When in Spain.

“If you go to Spain, maybe try Tumbet. It’s a Majorcan dish consisting of stacked layers of fried eggplant, zucchini and potato, with some bayleaf dressed tomato sauce on top.

Yep, it’s absolutely amazing, and sadly, I think people don’t really know any Spanish dish other than tortilla, jamon and paella.”

13. Okay, now my mouth is watering.

“Chicken Rice in Singapore.

It is a staple everywhere and you can select either steamed or roasted chicken. Rice is fragrant and cooked in chicken broth.

The accompanying sweet soy sauce and chili-garlic-lime make the whole dish.”

What do you think?

What foods should people definitely try in your country?

Talk to us in the comments!