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Every industry has dirty secrets that are kept from the public to prevent mass panic or whatever.
But when coder Myk Bylokonsky asked Twitter users to share information that could enrage public citizens, they totally came through – panic or no.
Some of these “secrets” are relatively harmless, but others confirmed that there are many industries that just shouldn’t be trusted. And, I mean, are any of us REALLY that surprised by the notion that businesses just do not give AF about us?
Anyway, here’s a sample of secrets we should know about.
9. Recycling Won’t Solve the Problem
What a bummer.
8. Petitions Are Just List-Building Tools
At least he’s honest.
7. Your Information Isn’t Safe
Myk answered his own question first.
6. Libraries Actually Throw Books Out
Well, sometimes.
5. We Don’t Really Know if 401Ks Work
We’re still awaiting results…
4. Opera Singers Pay for Auditions
They literally pay to have a chance at getting a gig.
3. Stand-Up Comics Often Perform at Corporate Events
We all have to pay the bills!
2. Professors Aren’t Taught to Teach
It makes sense that they’ll bore you, sometimes.
1. You Don’t Actually Have to Pay for Knowledge
As long as you ask nicely.
Myk’s original tweet still has a lot of replies. Some of these secrets are benign, and others are quite chilling.
Are you an industry expert that would like to share a secret or two about your field? Do you have the inside scoop?
Share in the comments so we can all be better-informed.
Please and thank you!