
She Called Her Brother Out in Front of His Children. Did She Go Too Far?

No one likes to get called out…especially in front of their own kids!

And that’s a fact, Jack!

So did this woman go too far when she called out her brother in front of his children?

Read her story below to get all the details.

AITA for calling out my brother’s comments to my niece in front of all his children?

“My (25 F) Brother, B (39M), came over to my Mum’s, for his birthday last week. He brought over my SIL (36F) their 3 children M(F11), Z(F9) & N(3M).

I’d done a whole buffet of food and had probably gone a bit OTT, but we don’t see each other as often as I’d like and it was a celebration.

Everyone loved the food and everyone ate their fill, but B kept calling out M.

He kept making disapproving comments telling her to slow down and asking her if she was going back for more. When she grabbed herself a second cupcake he said “Put that back little piggy”. She put it down and looked like she was going to cry, she then went and sat in the corner away from everyone and wouldn’t really engage in anything after that, despite me trying to get her to join in.

B, Z & N all had multiple cupcakes and it really bothered me he’d called M out.

I put some leftovers into boxes for them to take home and told M that I’d put an extra cupcake in there for her. B’s response was “She doesn’t need it, look at her the little porker”.

M isn’t fat – She’s put on some weight recently, but in the way kids do before they have a massive growth spurt.

I told B he was going to give her a complex and I told him that comments like that lead to disorders.

He said he was just looking out for his kids. Im not a parent, I don’t understand that he needs to teach them to be healthy. I said as long as you have balance you can have eat like this sometimes.

He looked uncomfortable and tried to lighten the mood with “well at least she’d be skinny” and my response is the reason I think I am the AH – I said “Yeah, maybe she’ll be so skinny she’ll be d**d”.

Everyone went quiet, apart from my youngest two siblings who were tormenting my cat under the table.

They took their leftovers and went, B sent me a text later saying he was really mad about the way I handled things. I shouldn’t have questioned his parenting and that he’s considering if I should be at his wedding. My SIL hasn’t commented and I’ve not responded to my brother.

Mum thinks I was an AH but my heart is in the right place.

Note: My brother has never struggled with an ED, whereas I’ve had troubles with eating since I was 12 so this is a sensitive subject.

AITA for calling him out like that?”

Check out how folks reacted on Reddit.

One person said she’s NTA and that her brother is a**sing this child.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Another individual said she could have handled this situation better.

Photo Credit: Reddit

And another Reddit user said she’s NTA and that she did the right thing by calling him out.

Photo Credit: Reddit

What do you think about what happened?

Let us know in the comments.

Thanks, friends!