The truth hurts sometimes…
And once in a while, you have to put someone you really care about in their place.
Was this woman out of line for what she said to her former best friend about his divorce?
Take a look and see what you think…
AITA for telling my Ex Best Friend that he caused his divorce?
“I 25(f) recently got into an argument with my now Ex Best friend lets call him Ben 30(m) who ended up divorced after he f**ked up his marriage and I didn’t support him as a friend should
Basically he forced his wife lets call her Gwen 27(f) who I am also friends with into an open relationship (i warned ben this isn’t gonna end the way he wanted), I had to comfort her about this because I’ll be honest I love her but she tends to let people walk all over her.
I helped her through it and convinced her to just take advantage of the situation because she was going to find someone better and my idiot Best friend would try and close it the moment she realized her worth to trust me, he just wasted to cheat
Well 6 months later Ben comes complaining that his wife won’t close the relationship and has been seeing this guy Martin for 4 months and how he stopped seeing other women and has tried to give her more attention so she’ll dump Martin but she won’t and asked me if I could talk some sense into her so he could close their relationship
I just deadpanned looked at him and said he was an idiot who wanted his cake and eat it to and now he had to face the consequences of his actions and I warned him this would happen, he called me a witch and left.
Well it’s been 3 months and Gwen filed for divorce, they don’t have kids and had a prenuptial so it went easy, Ben was complaining to me again and I told him he now has what he wanted the freedom to sleep around, he got mad at me for rubbing his face in his divorce and told me not to contact him that all women are alike
I myself don’t see myself as an Ahole but some of our friends are saying I shouldn’t be rubbing it in his face and being smug about it? So am I the ahole for telling him the truth about how this was going to end?”
And here’s what Reddit users had to say about this.
This person said she’s NTA and Ben f**ked around and found out.

Photo Credit: Reddit
Another reader said she’s NTA and that this isn’t her problem.

Photo Credit: Reddit
And this individual said she did the right thing and that her friend Ben sounds like he sucks.

Photo Credit: Reddit
What do you think?
Let us know in the comments.
Thanks a lot!