
Simone Biles Took off Her Pants While Doing Her Own Version of the Handstand Challenge

Photo Credit: Pexels

Simone Biles is already a goddess. I mean, her gymnastics resume speaks for itself: multi-event Olympic gold medalist, Olympic bronze medalist, 10-time world champion (plus four other world championship medals). The list goes on.

But Biles has really outdone herself this time. She took to Twitter to post a (totally PG) video of herself taking her pants off … while doing a handstand.

Watch this impressive bit of gymnastics yourself:


Biles’ video was a riff on the handstand challenge started by actor Tom Holland, who managed to put a shirt on while doing a handstand.


As difficult as taking your pants off in a handstand might look, a couple of other people managed to successfully complete the challenge set forth by Biles (and as far as we can tell, they sure aren’t Olympic-level gymnasts, either):

I mean seriously what is this sorcery?

Meanwhile, other people simply watched in awe and applauded Biles’ talent, including Chrissy Teigen:

Other people mentioned that they have a hard time just balancing on two feet most days:

Still others compared Biles’ epic talent to another slightly more common occurrence:

Now, the only question becomes whether the Olympic committee will consider making pants-removal handstanding a new Olympic event? I mean, it could happen, right? I guess we’ll just have to wait and see if they get wise.

What’s your favorite Olympic sport to watch during the summer or winter games? Curling? Luge? Synchronized swimming?

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