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We featured a hilarious and awesome compilation of 80s dance moves by YouTube user Robert Jones a short while ago, and it made my Gen X heart happy to see all of those silly – but iconic – moves mashed up together.
There was Footloose, of course, and Girls Just Want To Have Fun (a personal fav), along with Risky Business, Ferris Bueller, The Breakfast Club and pretty much every other 80s dance number you could think of.
I’m sure it took a ton of time to cut together, but now that we have more of that on our hands – and more reason to need a smile, Jones is back with a super cut of dancing from more recent movies – 2000-2020.

Image Credit: YouTube
“With everything going on I thought it would be a great time to bring back my dancing in the movies series. Featuring Party Rock Anthem by LMFAO and some of the most iconic (and some of my personal favorite) dancing scenes in movies from 2000-2020.
I hope everyone is staying safe and I hope this video inspires you to do something creative you know you’ve wanted to do but keep putting off. So find the biggest screen and the loudest stereo system you can and turn it up! Hollywood, we miss you.
Come back soon!”
The video features some expected wins, like Bring it On, Napoleon Dynamite, and La La Land.

Image Credit: YouTube
But also includes some delightfully unexpected memories from Once Upon a Time in Hollywood, JoJo Rabbit, Joker, and Little Miss Sunshine.

Image Credit: YouTube
Robert Jones really enjoyed all the attention,
“Thank you guys so much for all the support over the years. This channel and this connection to you guys has been a little bit of real life magic for me.
Thank you eternally.”
Here you go – strap in for some fun!
If you like what you see, you can follow Robert Jones on Instagram, check out his YouTube channel, or even give back to support a struggling artist (and out of work server) during these unprecedented and challenging times.
We’re all in this together, and art is something that’s getting many of us through the hours and days.
I know that’s true for me!