Hollywood studios might have to judge a movie’s success or failure based on how much money they rake in when everything shakes out, but audiences don’t have such strict standards.
And if creatives know one thing for sure, there’s no accounting for taste – people like all kinds of “bad” movies for reasons of their own.
These 11 movies are technical failures, but people love them anyway – and maybe you want to give them a shot, too!
11. Good doesn’t mean like, award-worthy.
Every audience knows that.

Image Credit: The Chive
10. Guy Ritchie? I’m in.
Some directors you just instinctively trust.

Image Credit: The Chive
9. All of Carrey’s dramatic performances are amazing.
You should check them all out.

Image Credit: The Chive
8. This movie is actually really good.
I have no idea why more people weren’t into it.

Image Credit: The Chive
7. I’m sure this is right up someone’s alley.
Probably not mine, but to each his own.

Image Credit: The Chive
6. That’s an amazing cast.
I wonder how this one missed.

Image Credit: The Chive
5. Guy Ritchie again!
Just do it.

Image Credit: The Chive
4. I will die on this hill as well.
Seriously, let go of your judgments and just watch it.

Image Credit: The Chive
3. I want to check this one out.
Have you seen it?

Image Credit: The Chive
2. That’s…a big loss.
Bruce Willis is so hit or miss.

Image Credit: The Chive
1. If you’re a fan, you’re a fan.
So you’ve probably already seen it.

Image Credit: The Chive
I’ve seen some of these but not all.
Have you seen them? Did you like them? Share your own not-so-great favorites in the comments!