It’s almost that time of year again — Christmastime! There’s a good chance that if you’ve got a standard holiday movie rotation in your home, Love Actually is in there. It’s spirited, it’s romantic, it’s poignant, it’s full of wonderful performances…it’s a can’t miss, really.
And an added bonus: It contains some seriously great lessons about life that will never grow stale. Don’t believe me? Just keep reading!
#13. You’re never too old for a comeback – or a fresh start

Image Credit: Universal Pictures
Any badass, older rockstar will tell you: Age is just a number.
#12. Let everyone interpret the holidays their own way

Image Credit: Universal Pictures
If the teacher says there wwere an octopus and lobsters (plural) there, just tuck into your flask and go with it.
#11. Have a backup plan on your wedding day

Image Credit: Universal Pictures
You never know when your videographer is going to screw the pooch — on purpose or otherwise.
#10. You might need patience to score the guy or girl of your dreams

Image Credit: Universal Pictures
She or he might not realize how awesome you are the first time around, but try not to be creepy about it.
#9. You’ll only regret the things you don’t say

Image Credit: Universal Pictures
Bare your soul. You only get one life and you don’t want to spend it wondering, “What if?”
#8. If you need it, take a few seconds to get it together

Image Credit: Universal Pictures
Wash your face, fix your lipstick and never let them see you dance like a maniac in the stairwell (or do if that’s what works for everyone).
#7. Sometimes hugs are the answer

Image Credit: Universal Pictures
…Unless they’re from a husband-stealing co-worker, in which case, best avoid them.
#6. Not everyone is great at wrapping gifts

Image Credit: Universal Pictures
It’s okay. Every talent is not for every person, and besides, it’s just going to get ripped to shreds anyway.
#5. Things happen when you least expect them

Image Credit: Universal Pictures
That’s what makes surprises the spice of life.
#4. Dance it out

Image Credit: Universal Pictures
This very true scientific study was led by Hugh Grant and backed up by Meredith Grey, so you know it’s solid.
#3. Learning that second language could come in handy in ways you never expected

Image Credit: Universal Pictures
You never know when you’ll need to profess your undying love to someone who has no idea what you’re saying.
#2. Love can hurt

Image Credit: Universal Pictures
But maybe, sometimes, it’s supposed to.
#1. People want what they can’t have

Image Credit: Universal Pictures
Take care of your relationships, because there are folks out there who won’t necessarily respect them.
Happy re-watching, fellow fans!