Being a good neighbor when everyone is behaving and in their own, single-family homes can be tough enough, some days, and people who share walls or buildings or other close-type quarters have my eternal sympathies.
This person lived next door to a commercial unit that was rented to the city, who in turn rented the space to the postal service.
Once they moved in there was a buzzing sound that was loud and made it hard to sleep, and OP struggled to figure out exactly what it was, so they could try to stop it.

Image Credit: Cheezburger
It turned out to be the heating unit for the post office next door. OP went over to find out what was wrong and was told they were going to have someone look at it.
They asked whether or not it could possibly be turned off at night so they could get some sleep, and were told no, because it took too long for the unit to fire back up in the morning.

Image Credit: Cheezburger
Someone did come by to check the unit but no repairs were made, and the tenets next door were getting icier by the day.

Image Credit: Cheezburger
OP was starting to go crazy from the constant noise and the lack of sleep.

Image Credit: Cheezburger
They worked hard trying to get it resolved before the holidays, but now the supervisors were being rude, too, and it was clear that no one really cared to take the time or spend the money to fix the problem.

Image Credit: Cheezburger
OP knew they were on their own if they wanted to have a restful holiday season.

Image Credit: Cheezburger
They spoke with their landlord again and learned that this whole time, the fuse box had been in his own apartment.
While they were on holiday next door, they turned off the heat and enjoyed the blessed silence.

Image Credit: Cheezburger
They were cold during the day next door, but OP really didn’t care – the time for revenge had come.

Image Credit: Cheezburger
No regrets and no backsies.

Image Credit: Cheezburger
I actually love this. Everyone knows that no sleep makes a person crazy, so they really can’t be held accountable for their actions.
Do you agree, or are you on the side of the legal mumbo-jumbo here? Tell us down in the comments!