
This Eco-Artist Is Turning Garbage Into Beautiful Landscapes

Image Credit: Mariah Reading

Saving the environment is an issue that’s not new, but neither is the controversy surrounding the whole idea. People who are making good money the way things are don’t really want to change the status quo, and those people who would like to fight for the trees and against climate change and for animal rights can often feel like they’re up against a foe far to large and multifaceted to make a difference.

One way that people like to force change is through art, and that’s why eco-artist Mariah Reading is using the trash she finds in nature to create pieces creating landscapes of where the garbage was found in the first place.

Below are 16 images of her creations, and I think they really bring home how one thing doesn’t belong in the other.

I have no idea how she did this.

But man, I am impressed.


This one really fits like a glove.

I’ll show myself out.


I would never have looked at this and seen art.

That’s why she’s the eco-artist, I suppose.


The colors are inspired by nature.

Which is why they’re so utterly lovely.


It’s like a window to this beautiful beach.

This one is truly something.


I would buy those flip-flops.

If you would, too she sells them!


I’d carry that coffee cup around.

And throw it in the appropriate bin when I was finished.


The dog likes it.

That’s how you know you can trust it, obviously.


Best looking croc I’ve ever seen.

Which I guess isn’t really saying all that much.


A camp stove lid.

I would 100% hang this on my wall.


Returned to the scene of the crime.

And looking lovely in a fresh coat of paint.


When the sunlight hits just *so*.

Magic happens.


This woman has some serious talent.

Why is there so much trash on the beach, though?


Do you think this is an effective use of art affecting change?

Tell us why or why not in the comments!