
This Genius Movie Theater Replaced All of Their Seats With Comfy Beds

Photo Credit: Pathe Schweitz

Going to the movies is great. Watching a movie in bed is also great. Imagine if you could do BOTH AT THE SAME TIME.

Now you can… If you live in Spreteinbach, Switzerland.

Pathé Schweiz, a cinema on the Swiss-German border, got rid of the seats in one theater and replaced them with adjustable double beds for a VIP theater experience. The set-up is just like your own bedroom in many ways — there are fresh sheets, pillows, and nightstands for your popcorn. They even provide you with SLIPPERS. Amazing.

Photo Credit: Pathe Schweitz

Now, one could conceive of a few reasons why it’s not ideal to have beds in a movie theater. Hygiene being the main one, and the possibility of strangers having sex being the other (to spell it out).

However! The venue has found a way to make this experience both comfy AND clean. For starters, he sheets are changed between each viewing.

“The hygiene aspect is very important to us,” CEO Venanzio Di Baco says.

Photo Credit: Pathe Schweitz

A VIP ticket to the bedroom theater costs $48.50, but it comes with a drink and food. And, again, slippers.

Alternatively, there’s another theater in the same building that features double sofas instead of beds. These old-school-looking sofas come with couch pillows, and they’re big enough for two people to recline on.

Photo Credit: Pathe Schweitz

The venue also has some theaters with regular seats in them, but like… Why would you bother?

Although it’s totally thrilling, it’s not a first: there are actually other movie theaters with beds in them around the world, including Electric Cinema in England.

Just not any where I live. 🙁