
What Is It Like Having Coronavirus? Women Shares Details On Her Experience With COVID-19 And Goes Viral

Image Credit: Pixabay

The worldwide pandemic of coronavirus, or COVID-19, is in full swing, People are nervous, governments are telling everyone to stay home, canceling school, sporting events, and discouraging large gatherings, there’s no toilet paper and no one is sure how to clean themselves or their houses (apparently).

And while the news is full of all of the concerning things, people online are trying to push happier narratives – the instances of people coming together, people helping their neighbors, and success stories.

The latter is the reason that Seattle resident Elizabeth Schneider decided to share her story online. She caught coronavirus and survived to tell the tale, and hopes that her experience will both quell people’s fears – and remind them why it’s important to follow the CDC’s recommendations while people are still at risk.

Because listen…it spreads at least as easily as they’re saying.

“I believe I caught it when attending a small house party at which no one was coughing, sneezing, or otherwise displaying any symptoms of illness. It appears that 40% of the attendees of this party ended up sick.”

Among their group of friends, the symptoms varied based on age and prior health.

“Most of my friends who got it were in their late 40s to early 50s. I’m in my mid 30s.

For us it was a headache, fever (for the first 3 days consistently and then on and off after 3 days), severe body aches and joint pain, and severe fatigue.”

I had a fever that spiked the first night to 103 degrees and eventually came own to 100 and then low grade 99.5. Some folks had diarrhea.

I felt nauseous one day. Once the fever is gone some were left with nasal congestion, sore throat. Only a very few of us had a mild itchy cough.

Very few had chest tightness or other respiratory symptoms.”

It lasted around 10-16 days.

The local health department recommended 7 days of isolation after the onset of symptoms, or 72 hours after your fever breaks. Elizabeth and her friends, though, are still avoiding large crowds and close personal interactions alike.

They believe that washing your hands and avoiding large crowds isn’t going to be enough to keep everyone safe and healthy.

“I also truly believe the lack of testing is leading to folks believing that they just have a cold or something else going out into public and spreading it.

And worse folks with no symptoms are also spreading it as in the case of a person attending a party or social gathering who has no symptoms.”

And listen, we all have to do our parts.

“You more likely than not will not die, but do you want to risk spreading it to a loved one or over 60 or someone with an immunity issue?


Stay healthy folks!”

It’s nice to hear about the experience from someone who has had it, but if anything, her tale only reinforces what health officials are saying – so stay home, wash your hands, clean your house, and spend time with your family.

And once that gets old, tackle some of those projects you’ve been putting off. I know we all have that list!