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Cult films are called that for a very specific reason: people love these movies fanatically and they’ve developed a cult-like following over the years.
Netflix has secret codes that allow cult film fans to watch a bunch of different movies in this genre. There are movies in three different cult categories that viewers can choose from.
To access each of these individual categories, sign into Netflix and replace the “xxx” in this web address ( with the corresponding code number below OR just click directly on the links we provided.
Or you can just tap into the overall Cult category to see all of them together by clicking HERE if you’d prefer.
Let’s get weird with some cult movies!
1. B-Horror Movies (8195)

Photo Credit: Chiodo Bros
I love B-Horror movies! They bring me back to my younger days when my friends and I would spend Friday and Saturday nights in someone’s basement watching ridiculous, low-budget scary movies. Those were the days…
Well, now you can use this code from Netflix and watch such B-Horror flicks as Killer Klowns From Outer Space, The Black Room, and others.
2. Campy Movies (1252)

Photo Credit: MGM
Campy films are definitely related to B-Horror films. They’re over the top, silly, and a lot of times they’re heavy on blood and guts.
The “Campy Movies” code on Netflix allows you to watch such campy flicks as the original Child’s Play from 1988 (a classic!), Scary Movie, and Train of the Dead.
3. Cult Comedies (9434)

Photo Credit: Universal Pictures
Hey, cult movies can be funny as hell sometimes, too!
With this special Netflix code, enjoy such cult comedies as Tremors (a personal favorite), Mindhorn, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, and others.
I’m personally a big fan of many cult flicks, so I was happy to get tipped off about these codes.
Are you a cult film fan?
If so, tell us some of your favorite titles in the comments! We’d love to hear from you!