If I had to say the Internet ruined something, it would be the fact that different parts of the U.S. don’t seem very unique anymore.
There used to be a time before everyone could get online when the South felt very different from the North and each region had its own distinct identity.
That’s still a little bit of that, of course, but it’s not nearly as noticeable as it used to be…and I think that’s kind of a bummer.
Check out what AskReddit users said about what they think was ruined by the Internet.
1. Preach!
“People’s behavior.
Everyone thinks real life is like being online, and they no longer know how to behave.”
2. Took the fun out of it.
“The feeling of exploration and discovery in video games.
From trading secrets on the playground in Mario Bros. to exploring and mapping out a dungeon in EverQuest.
Sure the internet existed then, but it eventually became so much more ubiquitous and games are now completely known sometimes before they even release.”
3. Bizarre.
“I h**e that people prefer to record accidents and such just to post them on the internet rather than helping the people who took part in that accident or even worse hinder the people who actually try to help by blocking the way.”
4. Now you know.
“Now knowing the vast amount of mean jerks there really are in the world.
Also how warped some people’s thinking can be.”
5. Concerning.
“Almost everything, honestly.
Information is so easy to access now but also it’s just as easy to pump fake and incorrect information out just for likes/views.”
6. Bad.
“Interpersonal communication.
We also self isolate and surround ourselves with people that are like minded. This discourages true personal growth and reinforces opinions into more extreme, and radicalized beliefs.
Always make an effort to debate and discuss people with opposing views to your own and actively listen.
We used to have to do this, now not only do we not, but we regularly encourage people to ignore, dismiss or walk away from this.
It’s awful and in my opinion will inevitably lead to war sooner than you’d think.”
7. Sucks.
“Being surprised at what happens in TV shows and movies.
Spoilers are everywhere online.”
8. A real horrorshow.
“Mental health.
No wonder we’re all anxious and depressed all you hear is horror stories.
I used to have my local news app and all I got was notifications such as ‘mother of 4 had an itch on her leg and 2 days later she was d**d’.”
9. That’s too bad.
“Pawn shops and thrift stores.
You used to be able to get cool finds with certain shops specializing in one thing or another.
Now they just take the item and hop on Ebay and price it the same.”
10. Too late.
I would actually love some Encyclopedias from the 1800s and those gold edged Encyclopedia Britannicas from the TV ads in the 1990s.”
11. The thrill is gone.
“Record collecting.
There is no need for knowledge anymore, and no need for hunting through piles of vinyl in second hand stores.
Everything is priced according to a Discogs search and sold online.”
12. What happened?
“Dating, privacy, communication.
Anything having to do with real, pure human interaction.
That’s why I’ve deleted all my social media accounts.”
Now we’d like to hear from you.
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