
What’s the Scariest Thing You’ve Ever Seen? People Shared Their Stories.

I don’t want to come off as paranoid, but it’s true…the world is a crazy place, and believe it or, not it can be really dangerous.

So you have to keep your eyes open, my friends!

What’s the scariest thing you’ve ever seen?

People on AskReddit shared their stories.

1. Behind bars.

“Another convict begging the COs not to let him d** as he nearly bled out after having his throat cut from ear to ear. It was the begging that I can’t forget.

I had seen someone ki**ed before and it didn’t eafect me nearly as much.”

2. Explosion.

“I was a receptionist at a trucking company. I was sitting the front desk and all of a sudden there was the loudest sound ever and as I looked out the window I saw a small building fly up in the air.

Found out later that a welder and his helper had tried to weld something and there was an explosion. They both d**d. That was pretty sad.”

3. He survived.

“Finding my husband in a full cardiac arrest.

Thankfully I found him very quickly and was able to commence CPR and save his life. There is a slim chance of survival for cardiac arrest so I’m grateful it happened a couple of minutes after I got home.

Most terrifying moment of my life.”

4. Bumpy ride.

“It was spring of 1995. I was flying back from San Antonio on maybe my tenth trip there. I suppose by this time I had flown probably fifty or so times, so I thought I was a seasoned traveler. I was flying American Airlines.

I flew from San Antonio to Dallas — it’s the hub of American Airlines. Before my connecting flight to Des Moines took off, a nasty thunderstorm came in. Even so, we all boarded the plane and sat out on the tarmac waiting for the tower to let us take off.

Three hours passed. I had a clear view of one of the windsocks, and it was pretty much flailing at 45 degrees most of that time. When the captain announced that we could take off, the windsock was completely, solidly horizontal – and the storm was at its worst.

We took off, buffeted by winds all the way down the runway. Fifteen seconds after takeoff, we dropped for a good five seconds. The plane fought like crazy to attain altitude, and then it would drop again. It was nuts.

I grabbed the bottom of my seat because I thought my seat belt wouldn’t hold (yeah, it was THAT BAD). I remember looking up the aisle during one of the drops and I could see the front of the plane instantly drop like 45 degrees or so, simply because inertia kept my head stationary.

Back then, they had phones in the back of the seats, so after about five minutes of this insanity I figured I’d call my wife to say goodbye. It took a minute or so before I could grab ahold of it (I had to brace one arm with another just to disengage it from the back of the seat in front of me — it took a lot of tries) and after a couple of minutes I was able to clumsily type in the number as well as my credit card information. Of course I got our answering machine:)

We’d fight for altitude like crazy for like 15 seconds, then fall for 5. Constantly. The captain came on and said this was going to last for twenty minutes or so until they broke out of the storm near Oklahoma. Yup, that’s how long it lasted.

After the fun times, somewhere over Missouri I struck up a conversation with one of the flight attendants. She told me that was the worst turbulence that she had ever experienced. She was somewhere in her forties, so I figured it must have been pretty unusual.

I received a letter from American Airlines roughly two weeks later. It was clearly edited by various attorneys – but it was clearly meant to be an apology letter. I wish I had saved it.

Lesson learned: don’t fly out of Dallas in the spring or summer on American Airlines. Don’t. Maybe things have changed now, but I still won’t do it.”

5. Came to terms with it.

“Finding this young dude after he’d been st**bed like 7 times and trying to comfort him.

I knew the guy was going to d** and I think he did too.

About a year of sleepless nights and a moderate case of PTSD later I’ve come to terms with what happened.”

6. Fire!

“The Black Saturday bushfires.

We were in a small town where my grandmother lived helping her pack up to get to safety. The fire was moving so fast we had maybe one minute to move if they sounded the warning to leave.

Watching the horizon change colour from black to a dark orange to a full wall of flames in a matter of minutes is f**king intense. The trees exploded from the intensity of the heat making these dull popping sounds amongst what sounded like rain from ash and embers falling everywhere.

It’s worth noting that the town is nestled amongst a bunch of hills in dense bushland with treacherous terrain and we were almost completely surrounded. Every hill glowed for hours.”

7. Can’t believe it.

“When I was 18, I crossed a street and two seconds later a girl on a bike got hit on that street by a bus.

I was too stunned to do anything and luckily other people were on top of it, and I just walked to work.

Went and clocked in and did my shift. A girl’s life ended a couple feet away from me and I was able to just…go about my day. I still can’t believe…any of it.”

8. In recovery.

“Seeing my dad in recovery after heart surgery.

It was only then I really realized how mortal and vulnerable he was, and that he wasn’t going to be around forever.”

9. Brutal.

“Watching a van full of people wrap around a bridge underpass pillar (the driver fell asleep behind the wheel).

6 of the 7 people d**d – the 7th person was laying in the back seat sleeping and avoided being crushed. Strangely enough, about 5 years after that accident, I was in Basic for the Army and met a girl that lived a few hours north of me.

She KNEW the people who were ki**ed and their funerals were in her high school gym.”

10. Losing altitude.

“I was on a KC-135 returning from a TDY, making our approach into Toledo (180th FW).

We were teasing all of the guys who were afraid of flying. One was literally in tears with anxiety; when the gear came down and locked into place, we were acting like it was an unusual sound, etc. Anyway, there was a sharp headwind, roughly 50-60 kts, when all of a sudden the plane just dropped like a rock. The wind sheer warning went off in the cabin.

We lost altitude really fast, and while I don’t know exactly how close we came to the runway, NW Ohio is very flat and I saw treetops out the tiny little window.

The engines went full throttle, and the plane pulled up hard. We circled around and attempted the landing one more time. A lot better this go around. The entire cabin was silent. Before we deplaned, the pilot came out and said “I did my best not to turn this plane into a big smokin’ hole in the ground”. I was the only one who spoke, and I very quietly said “thanks”.

People were crying, kissing the ground, etc. I don’t think I’ll ever forget that.”

11. Bad accident.

“Dr**k guy riding a bike ran into our car.

We stopped to help him and a bus ran over him.

He d**d there and then.”

Now we want to hear from you.

What’s the scariest thing you’ve ever seen?

Talk to us in the comments and let us know!