You really never know who is good or even great at certain things in this world.
The wimpiest looking guy could be a trained MMA fighter, a seemingly out of shape girl could be a basketball whiz, or a guy who looks like he lives in a cardboard box could be a nuclear physicist.
That’s why it’s best to reserve judgment…or else you might end up challenging a person to something that they are an expert at.
Here are some funny stories from AskReddit users.
1. Picked him apart.
“While I was in high school I was the reigning city fencing champion, in both the youth and adult tournaments.
My high school decided to do a school-wide fencing unit for Phys. Ed. and the coach they brought in to teach all of the students was my actual coach. During my classes, my coach naturally brought me up to help demonstrate the various moves, but for some reason one of my classmates didn’t understand that I wasn’t chosen at random.
He started talking sh*t about how I looked like I didn’t know what I was doing, and how he could probably kick my *ss in a duel. Now, he actually was pretty good for a guy who’d never fenced before, and at the first opportunity to actually have a bout, he decided to have a go at me.
I picked him apart and did not give up a single touch, and used the opportunity to practice my parry and ripostes (I admit, I took a bit of sadistic pleasure in thoroughly beating him).
Afterwards, my coach made a point of congratulating the other guy for doing so well against the city champ, which changed his attitude considerably.”
2. Just that one song.
“Not quite this but I tried to learn piano years ago, I bought a keyboard and learned the first movement of Moonlight Sonata but it was literally all I could play
I had just started a new job as a chef in a fancy hotel, had been there maybe a month and was at the Christmas party, I sat at a piano and the head chef pointed me out, laughing and said “look at you, you cant play the piano”.
I thought I’ll just act confident and play the only thing I can so was like “yeah i can.. I’ve played for years” and he said “oh really? Play moonlight sonata then”, couldn’t have gone better.
He was gobsmacked and I never told anyone there that I was actually cr*p at piano except that one song.”
3. Ugh.
“I have a PhD in genetics, and I’ve published multiple papers on viral vectors spreading in large populations.
Every anti-Vaxxer and COVID conspiracy theorist. I’m so sick of it.
Also, when someone I met at a social event found out that I work in a genetics research lab, he asked the following question:
“If two white Americans go to China and have a baby there, will it come out Asian?”
I was so shocked that I actually spit out my drink.”
4. Major facepalm.
“I’ve been a Type 1 Diabetic for 20 years.
People actually challenge me about how diabetes works because “my grandpa had diabetes”.
At least it’s to the point where it’s comical now how often it happens.”
5. Don’t mess with me.
“Hula hooping.
They resorted to throwing stuff at my hoop, because I kept going like the Energizer Bunny.”
6. LOTR.
“A pub in my city was doing a Lord of the Rings pub quiz, and me and my friends were all going.
One of my friends ended up on his own team for various reasons, and in the week leading up to the quiz kept gloating like “we’ve got this guy on our team, he knows EVERYTHING about Lord of the Rings, you guys are gonna LOSE!”
Now, I’m a big fan of the Lord of the Rings, and Tolkien generally, which is why he kept saying these things.
Come the day of the quiz, my team left the answers largely in my own hands. We won. Of the 47 questions asked, we got 47 correct.
My other friend? Second, yes, but he spent the entire time after the quiz looking sour. He didn’t speak to me for at least a month, and even then when he finally did he still brought up the quiz.
Stay salty, bro.”
7. You’re wrong.
“I had someone explain the meaning of a painting at a gallery show.
It was my painting.
They were wrong.”
8. Unbeatable.
“About 10 years ago, I was probably one of the top 300-400 players in the world at Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo.
In other words, I was basically unbeatable vs casual players that “played a lot when they were younger”.
A friend of a friend found out that I was into SF, and challenged me. Claims he was the neighborhood champ as a kid, and he’d wipe the floor with me.
I accepted his challenge, and made it a first to 10.
I won 10-0, and heard every excuse in the book for why he lost. He’s rusty, can’t remember how to do the moves, etc.”
9. You are now a legend.
“Guitar Hero.
Work held a Christmas party at a venue and set up the game for fun and prizes. I was the second oldest (47f) person there. All the younger employees were going ham and having a great time.
I wasn’t going to play until the prize was $500 for last person standing. I walked away $500 richer and also a legend. 🤘🤪”
10. Paid the price.
“By no means an expert at all, but I have a purple belt in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (training for about 5 years).
One of my mates was always trying to ‘catch me unawares’, and he would randomly try to tackle me, or grab me to see what I’d do. A bunch of us went bouldering, and on the crash mats he double legs me out of nowhere, and then was super upset when I put him straight in a triangle choke.
He never tried again after that, but like… you suddenly tackle me I’m going to respond pretty automatically, all this went down before I even realized what had happened and who was trying to wrestle me.
I felt bad afterwards, but it’s kind of what you get for randomly tackling girls out of nowhere..”
11. Oh, brother.
“Cycling. My younger brother has a personal vendetta against me.
Tried to tell him riding 100 miles not easy. He said man I can do 100 miles.
I was like ok i stay with you the first 50 miles, he didn’t make it past 10.
12. Cheese wars.
“A former coworker challenged me to a cheese eating competition at an office get together.
Little did he know I love cheese and am the type of person to eat shredded cheese straight out the bag at 3am.
He wimped out after 15 cubes of cheese from the deli platter while I basically cleared my whole section.”
13. This is good.
“When I was in high school, my brother and I went to Kansas during our spring break to take a week long cattle breeding course.
They had a lecture on beef cuts and as the teacher was going along, he misidentified a cut of beef and went on talking about what it was used for etc. it wasn’t a simple mix up, he firmly believed it. At the time I was a state competitor in meat judging.
I knew exactly what the different cuts are, where they come from, and how they’re cooked. So little, quiet, 15 year old me politely raised my hand and corrected the teacher. And he just stared at me, along with the rest of the class. Then he says “oh really?”.
So I politely tell him it’s a common mistake and the cut was actually x not y, x used for this, y used for that and so on. Then he just started laughing saying he had never once been corrected in the decades of teaching and go figure, he gets corrected by a high school girl.
For the rest of that lecture he would check his facts with me and direct class questions to me.’
Have you ever been challenged by someone at something you were really good at?
If so, tell us your stories in the comments.
We’d love to hear from you!