
Why Are You Still Single? Here’s What People Said.

Hey, relationships aren’t for everyone…

And I’ve definitely realized that the older I get…

And today we’re gonna hear from a bunch of folks who admitted WHY they’re not in a relationship.

Let’s take a look.

1. Gotta find the right one.

“At the moment, I haven’t found the right person.

And the person that I saw as the “right person” fell in love with someone else…”

2. This doesn’t sound good…

“I don’t understand people very well so I don’t try to find anyone. It often feels like everyone else had a few extra days in school to learn a new language and I just missed it all.

I’m not sure if one day I’ll figure it out but at this point it doesn’t seem likely I’ll spontaneously develop and understanding of human emotion and communication.”

3. What you want.

“I was with someone for 9 years had a kid and after that it all sort of went to s**t. Started using the kid to try and hurt me (usual story).

But I was happy. Got back together with my first ever girlfriend the great love of my life. She did have a lot of issues and sadly took her own life. Just kind of want to stay single now.”

4. Clueless.

“Because I have no idea how to meet people.

If the perfect person were to fall out of the sky in front of me? I’m in.”

5. My own place.

“I have been single and living alone for 10 years now.

I like that I can come home to an empty house and have my own place that I could be completely alone and not have to deal with anybody.

I’m kind of set in my own ways now and I feel like I would really struggle having to share my time with somebody else and someone else’s schedule.”

6. Better off.

“Four years as a single dad now and I couldn’t be happier with my life.

The single part sucks but looking back I like the person I am now much better than the person I was.”

7. There’s still time.

“Just never happened tbh. (24, never have had a girlfriend).

I don’t have problems forming a connection and a bond with women, but I do think I may spend too much time just enjoying the feeling of a genuine friendship that I kinda forget to make a move and they end up either finding someone else or assuming I’m not interested.

That and everyone just wants to blast through everything so quickly nowadays, like at times it feels like if you aren’t DTF or have made a proper “move” by the end of the week then it’s over, even when you have just met the person. It’s obnoxious.”

8. Some good advice.

“I’m not single anymore, but I was for a very long time, nearly a decade.

It was mostly due to my looks and my awkwardness (funny how looks and social skills usually go hand in hand). Not saying I didn’t clean up or have good hygiene. I have a good job, wear good clothes, shower, exercise, etc. I’m just ugly, pale, and overweight.

Regardless, one piece of advice I can give to anyone in that situation. Don’t settle, no matter how desperate you are, don’t settle. I could have waited longer and got even more in shape, acquired even more money, worked towards an even better job, but I was lonely and got into a LTR with my current wife and we h**e each other about 50% of the time.

She was just as lonely and desperate as I was, but I was blinded by my own ignorance to see the signs. Two depressed people or two people with no social skills whatsoever are not a good combo.

We have no friends because we can’t talk to people, we have nothing in common, and any trip / vacation we go on is simply miserable because we fight the entire time. I would love to end things, but we have fallen into this loser co-dependency situation. She’s dependent on me financially and I’m dependent on her for companionship.

I’m really not looking forward to the future and I would highly recommend you make sure the next person you find is someone that can help you be better. Not someone that will help drag you down further or keep you where you are. I wish the best of luck to anyone looking and Godspeed to you all.”

9. A rough one.

“Because we were about to get married, but she decided she wasn’t certain enough, and wanted to try being with other guys first.”

10. Why not?

“Because why not?

Why do we place a lot more value on romantic relationships than with platonic friendships?”

11. Happy with life.

“I like living alone and I don’t feel the need for companionship, romance, or s**.

I have friends that I can socialize with and I really can’t find a reason to get a girlfriend because I really just don’t have the desire to.

I’m happy with how my life is and don’t want to change it right now.”

12. No more of that.

“I ignored the red flags as a young woman; married a hyper-critical, lying and cheating douchebag.

Now divorced and loving not getting cut down on a daily basis.

I may be lonely but love not having to put up with him!!”

Now we want to hear from you.

Tell us why you’re still single in the comments.

We’d love to hear from you!