
Woman Asks if She’s Wrong for Letting Her Pregnant Co-Worker Get Into Trouble

Nobody likes to see their co-workers get into trouble

But what if they deserve it?

And what if they also happen to be pregnant?

Hmmm, that’s a tricky one…

Check out this story from Reddit’s “Am I the A**hole?” page and see if you think this woman was out of line.

AITA for letting my pregnant co-worker get in trouble?

“I, (f24), work an office job.

I have a co-worker, Anne (f28). Anne is currently pregnant, and is around 6 months pregnant.

We have a dedicated break room where we go for lunch, as we aren’t allowed to eat anything or drink anything except water bottles in the office because of the computers.

We all have our own break schedules that are the same everyday. Anne and I go to break together, our lunch break is from 13:30 to 14:30. No one else is on this schedule, and take their breaks earlier or later.

In the break room, there’s a few chairs and a couple of couches.

Over the past two weeks, Anne had started taking naps on one of the couches during her lunch break. I know it’s not my business as to what she does on her break, she can do what she wants.

Last Friday, Anne and I were taking our breaks as usual. I was listening to music on my headphones, and when it was around 14:30, I got up to go back to work. I didn’t really pay attention to what Anne was doing.

Everyone was confused and was saying “where’s Anne?” by around 15:00 because they needed her, and our boss went into the break room and Anne was still sleeping. Anne got a warning from our boss.

Anne is now angry with me, because our breaks end at the same time so I should have woken her up. She said I’m selfish and careless. A lot of our other coworkers are on Anne’s side and agree.

I told Anne if she can’t wake up, she shouldn’t sleep during her break. She said the baby makes her tired and accused me of calling her lazy and being insensitive.”

Let’s see how Reddit users reacted to this.

This reader said she’s not the a**hole and that her co-worker could have set an alarm.

Photo Credit: Reddit

And this individual agreed and said it sounds like this woman isn’t acting like an adult.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Another reader said that being pregnant doesn’t absolve you of consequences.

Photo Credit: Reddit

What do you think about what happened?

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