What’s the matter, can’t take your own medicine?
Have you ever said that to someone before?
Well, if you haven’t, feel free to use it…
And I think the guy in this story had this kind of insult coming…
Read on to get the details and let us know if you think this woman acted like an a**hole.
AITA for calling a guy a nepotism hire after he said I’m a diversity hire?
“So I (22F) recently started working a prestigious company that is unfortunately very male-dominated. On my team for example I’m the ONLY woman.
There’s Asian guys, and another black guy but it’s mostly white dudes. And this is actually one of the more diverse teams. As a woman of color it’s been a challenging and oftentimes isolating experience.
Anyway one of my coworkers (M) is the nephew of the CFO and we started our roles at the same time. He’s a white guy, an entitled douchebag and incompetent imo. For whatever reason he has disliked me from the very start, often trying to start arguments, being overly competitive etc. It was difficult dealing with this because I didn’t want to lose my job.
Anyway, last month an incident occurred where my boss chose me over M to accompany him to an industry event. This really upset M who assumed he’d be invited. He’s been acting like a bigger a** ever since.
This all came to a head when I got lunch with my female colleague from another department. M insisted on joining us. He started questioning me about the event but I wasn’t interested in discussing that. Then he accused me of manipulating people to get ahead (ridiculous) and that our boss obviously wants to show off his “exotic diversity hire”. (Fyi I’m multiracial and come from a poor/dysfunctional background, M “joked” that I tick a lot of boxes).
We argued back and forth (with him accusing me of having it easy- again RIDICULOUS) til he once again said that I’m an obvious diversity hire “bimbo”.
I was extremely p**sed and told him that he’s a privileged nepotism-baby who literally gets things handed over to him. I said that he’ll forever bask in mediocrity, blissfully unaware of how utterly incompetent he truly is. I also told him that nobody will ever say that to his face so he should be happy I’m doing him a favor. (I said this knowing full well that I’d lose my job in the worst case scenario).
Our colleague gasped immediately and told me to apologize to M, who looked taken aback and confused more than anything. However I didn’t apologize and just left.
Later on M told me that what I said was “f**ked up” and “crossed the line”. He claimed that he didn’t insult me and that I took it way too far. Then he said that I’m “lucky” that he’s choosing not to report this.
Am I the a**hole in this situation?”
Here’s what Reddit users had to say about this.
One reader said she’s NTA and that this guy is too embarrassed to report what happened to HR.

Photo Credit: Reddit
Another Reddit user said they were in this position before and they wish they would have handled it differently.

Photo Credit: Reddit
And this individual said she’s NTA and that she needs to report this to HR as soon as possible.

Photo Credit: Reddit
What do you think about this?
Let us know in the comments.
Thanks a lot!