
Woman Warns Against Propping Feet on Dashboard After Ending up Without a Forehead

Photo Credit: Facebook, Gráinne Kealy

Gráinne Kealy got into a car accident in 2007, when she was 22. Her boyfriend at the time was driving, so put her feet up on the dashboard to relax.

Then the couple slipped on some ice and collided with a wall.

She wound up with an uncommon injury because of her seemingly inconsequential decision.

Kealy says,

“My feet were on top of the airbag and, I know now, they inflate at 200mph. The force of that meant my knees were sent back into my face really powerfully. I broke nearly every bone in my face. I had a brain leak [called a CSF (Cerebrospinal Fluid)] and I lost two teeth.”

Kealy and her boyfriend were taken to the hospital for medical attention. They were both okay, but one day she woke up with an infection on her forehead that caused it to slowly sink.

Adjusting to life without a forehead was difficult, but necessary because Kealy was without a forehead for two full years.

“For a long time, I was afraid to leave the house. I became a bit of a hermit. I didn’t want to go out and then when I did go out, I would get looks. I bought hats to cover it. I was also worried about banging my head.”


Doctors were able to construct a replacement for her out of ceramic, but Kealy still suffers from health complications – it isn’t easy to get over brain and head injuries. She now speaks out about her accident so that others won’t end up in her condition.

Because loads of people put their feet up…

So thank you, Gráinne – keep up your advocacy!

Let us know what you think of Kealy’s campaign to raise awareness of this potential safety issue. Share your thoughts in the comments section.