
10 Guys Talk: What She Did That Killed Any Chance of a Second Date

Scenergy Dating

#4. Gold diggers, move along.

“It was clear she was looking for a guy to support her and push money into her bank account. She kept asking questions to find out how much I paid for rent and how much I made at my job. It was funny, but also gross.”

#3. Insecurity, Party of One.

“I thought the first date went really well and I wanted a second, but she didn’t seem interested. I went in for a kiss and hug when we said goodnight and she gave me a handshake instead. I didn’t bother chasing her or asking her for date two.”


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#2. Conversations should involve two people.

“While we love a girl who can hold a conversation, talking too much is just a major turn off. If you talk so much we can barely get a word out, chances are there won’t be a second date. We like two way conversations!”

#1. Cell phone overload.

“All she managed to do the whole date was stare at her phone. If you want to check in with a girlfriend, okay, but there’s no need to be on your phone the whole date. We’d rather you put your phone away and pay attention to us for once!”

What about you? Have you ever experienced something that made you say NEVER when asked out for a date number two? Do share!

h/t: Minq, Elite Daily