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I never really thought about it too much, but I guess you can tell a lot about someone by what hobbies they enjoy.
And it can most likely tell you a bit about their financial situation…
What hobbies make you think that people grew up rich?
AskReddit users shared their thoughts.
1. Back in the day.
“20 years ago, piano. They were stupid expensive and the yearly maintenance was too. Also, lessons.
Now, you can get an electric one for $500 at costco and it will last you 20 years with $0 in yearly maintenance. Plus, there are so many online free lessons/inexpensive turors, I am surprised that more people don’t pick it up.
It is more accessible than ever.”
2. Usually…
“When people say, especially anonymously, that one of their hobbies is “travel,” I get rich vibes off of that.
Sometimes it’s aspirational, but realistically if you’re not rich you just don’t have the money or availability to travel a lot.”
3. Absolutely.
“A multiple car collection.
Art/Antique collection. Not the flea market stuff.
Knew a guy who had a full size backhoe. He had a ton of land and thought it was fun to play around with. I guess he was a backhoeist?”
4. A lot of pressure.
“Being in the upper levels of competitive gymnastics.
My daughter is only 6 and it already cost us $350 a month(plus another $1k a year for travel and $450 a year for leotards, jacket,pants and bag). If she sticks to it into her middle/highschool years and keeps excelling we are looking at $1k+ a month for gym fees and booster club plus travel fees and uniforms(so probably closer to $1.5k+ a month when you factor that stuff in).
We are upper middle class and right now can afford it but I’m not so sure about when she gets older and once our other kid gets into sports too. You definitely have to have some money to afford it. It’s like paying for college.”
5. Sounds fishy.
“I’m in my 30s and I have friends with stupid careers that own homes and travel all the time.
If you have an adult friend that makes jewelry or pottery for a living, they’re full of s**t and come from wealth.”
6. I had no idea.
“As someone who has started practicing archery recently – archery
Those godd**n arrows cost so much, it’s basically a war crime, same goes for bows, targets, backstop nets,…. so almost everything. The wood arrows I use cost like six bucks a pop.
It would be fine if the stupid arrows didn’t hit the grass, and then curve and go under the grass. They become impossible to find, I actually thought of buying GPS tracking chips or something to find the buggers.”
7. Very true.
“It’s not what hobby, its how you equip yourself.
I had a friend who started bicycling by buying a $3000 bike. I told them I thought they didn’t know how to earn something, and that they should start with a $100 bike.
I was being kind of a d**k, considering their bike got stolen a month after they bought it.”
8. Big bucks.
“Racing. People think it’s a white trash sport, but the amount of money required to race in an amateur setting is astronomical.
You put in waaaay more than you get from it. The only people who can do it are people with big bucks.”
9. I think that’s a pretty clear sign.
“Summer and winter houses plus the apartment in New York.
Oh and the place in Switzerland.”
10. Probably.
“Someone saying “I’d love to set up a charity one day” Is a surefire sign someone comes from money, in my experience.
Don’t get me wrong, it’s a good idea and they absolutely should, but your life goal isn’t normally to set up a charity if you’re struggling to put food on the table, or worry about having enough money for rent.”
11. How cute.
“Little kids cooking gourmet meals. Like only rich people can afford for their kids to play with food like that.
If it didn’t turn out good, just toss it and make something else. Poor people had budgets and if it sucked you still ate it.”
12. There you go.
Scuba diving
Being an equestrian
13. Water sports.
“Salt water fishing/boating, Jet skiing.
Pretty much anything to do with water that’s not in a kitty pool, sprinkler or a shower.”
Do you think there are hobbies that are a giveaway that someone grew up wealthy?
Tell us what you think in the comments.
Thanks a lot!