
14 People Discuss the Odd Recurring Dreams They Have

Dreams are so strange, aren’t they?

Here we are in the year 2020 and it seems like we’re no closer to understanding what they actually mean.

But one thing is for sure: recurring dreams are REALLY STRANGE. And they can be exhausting.

Folks on AskReddit discussed their odd recurring dreams.

1. Back to school.

“I keep going back to a freaky dream version of my college, usually the dorm.

I’m returning to school from winter break (between semesters) to find that the school had thrown away all my stuff and other people are living in my room.

Either that, or I’m trying to access my campus mailbox and can’t get in it. (I did finish college.)”

2. That’s intense.

“I’m on a death march and both my children are still young.

We are exhausted and I can only carry one. I have to choose …”

3. That’s weird.

“I am in school and the teacher tells me to go grab a pen from the back of the class I go to a cabinet and I grab the top of it, surprise surprise it’s a fake peace of wood and there is a bomb hidden behind it I tell the teacher and she sounds a alarm everyone in the entire school starts running out of the school.

Oh yeah it’s also raining nukes everywhere and the sky is red so everyone in the world starts running to Madagascar cuz that’s the only place it’s not raining nukes once we get to Madagascar the dream ends.

Pretty crazy but I love this dream.”

4. The boardwalk.

“I’m walking down this never-ending boardwalk, and it’s like my vision is switching from walking down the boardwalk to looking at myself walking from above.

Then, suddenly this giant fish the color of sewer water with a human face jumps out of the water, and it sails over me. Then more of them jump, until it creates a literal canopy of jumping humanfish.

I just keep walking, and sooner or later, the dream ends. And for some reason, the human face is always Jack Black. Imagine.”

5. The magic deer.

“There would be this deer, but it had wings, and “Magical powers” it gave off through its antlers. Whenever it did that, the antlers would glow a bright blue-ish colour.

There would be these people from the government or something that would chase and try to trap/kill it for some reason. It would keep changing subtly though, sometimes the deer would be in a cave talking to something (yes it could speak), sometimes it would be flying.

I wouldn’t be the deer, but rather something like a bird or something that wouldn’t interact with the deer but could watch it.”

6. Maybe it’s a sign?

“I have these 3 kittens that show up repeatedly in dreams where I can smell my surroundings.

They also inexplicably show up when my dream takes place in a dark mansion.

I keep telling people it’s a sign that if I get three cats by those names I will also get a mansion.”

7. I have these, too.

“I have persistent recurring dreams about the end of the world / collapse of society.

Some where I was underground watching the continent break apart and slide into the ocean. One were I was waiting in an immense line to enter one of the few cities left. Just dream after dream about trying to survive in some post-apocalyptic hellscape.

Not gonna lie, there’s a small part of me that wonders if this is something I’m going to have to survive and my brain is prepping me. That, or I watch too many dystopian movies.

Or my uber religious upbringing and constant threat of hell and the end time. Who knows.”

8. Flippin’ the bird.

“I’ve had several dreams involving me insulting/giving the middle finger to people I don’t like.

I haven’t had one in several weeks, but the last dream about it I had was about someone who kept harassing me back in 8th grade. In the dream, he harassed me again, and I told him to “shut up or become the dirt I walk on”.

I felt powerful, and now I’m kinda pi*sed that it was just a dream.”

9. Yes!

“I am 54.

I still have a dream where I have an English class in college that I continually missed. I need it to graduate, and I go on the last day to take my final test. I never find out if I passed.

Funny, I was an engineering major?!?!”

10. Grandparents.

“I have had about 4 dreams with my grandmother in them since her death.

None of her appearances showed her alive.

And I have also had around 2 dreams with my grandfather within them since his death and both times he has been alive.”

11. Sweethearts.

“My high school sweetheart & I broke up 25 years ago.

I haven’t seen him since 1998. I’m happily married & I understand he is, too.

But I have these recurring dreams that he & I are going to get married & his parents try everything to prevent it. I have no idea why.”

12. Recurring places.

“I haven’t had recurring dreams, as much as recurring places. One of the most common places is this huge Barnes and Noble combined with Kroger.

I’ve had dreams about food, books, friends, and many other weird things IN THE SAME PLACE. There is actually one recurring dream I had, but first some background. I hate P.E. My gym teacher was horrible they made me walk laps when my knee hurt, turns out it was limes disease so HA. In the dream, It starts one of two ways, one with me strapped to the Basketball net.

The other way I would find my self in this white room. everything was white. There were these gaping holes in the ground that probably went to the underworld with swinging platforms above them. I would be looking around and then suddenly there would be this lady, strict looking.

She would command me to jump across the swinging platforms, I would try, and then just as I was about to fall into the abyss, I would wake up. I had this dream so many times, I cant even count them all.

I once had a dream where I was being hunted by Vikings (I love reading Norse Myths) and I was in the closet in my bedroom. MY heart was thumping really loud and I could hear them outside of my door. I heard them talking and then they stopped and slowly turned towards me… Just as they opened the door to the closet I would wake up.

Those were all old reoccurring dreams, lately, my dreams have been getting more vivid. The only way I can tell it is a dream is that my vision sorta fades in and out. It’s actually really frustrating, yet sometimes I still think the dream is real.”

Now we want to hear from you!

If you’ve had recurring dreams, we want to hear from you.

Please tell us about them in the comments!