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More and more people are starting to feel comfortable choosing a childfree life, if that’s what they want, and more and more people who aren’t able to have children, for one reason or another, are realizing that life is just fine the way that it is.
These 16 people without kids aren’t living with any regrets at all – in fact, if these photos are showing it all, they’re actually living it up.
16. Dogs are better than people.
Look at their happy little faces!
15. Family is what you make it.
So embrace it, and make it count.
14. This could also be why some push you so hard to do it.
Misery loves company and all of that.
13. We all have our roles.
Each is needed and valued.
12. OK it’s true.
It still makes me a little uncomfortable and sad, because it’s just money.
11. It’s the perfect comeback.
If you’re in the market for that sort of thing.
10. Life advice is always appreciated.
Especially from someone who led such a life.
9. Just mind your own business.
Excellent life advice across the board.
8. No one wants to perpetuate trauma.
The responsible thing to do is to stop the cycle sometimes.
7. If you really think about it…
Charging money for kids is probably illegal or something.
6. We should definitely go all in.
But we won’t.
5. How about we all just try not to crash.
Stop looking at your phones, you numbskulls.
4. We’ve all done that at one point.
Literally all of us.
3. Who loved their twenties?
Not me, that’s for sure.
2. “Wild animals” smh.
His response was perfect.
1. They’re not the same…
But some of the challenges are, for sure.
I don’t regret my kids, but I do miss alone time, y’all. So much.
What do you miss about the days before you had kids? Tell us in the comments!