
17 Creepy AF Things Officers Found While Searching Houses

Photo Credit: West Midland Police

#15. “A bit creepy”

We were working a scene where two kids had died after a space-heater caught on fire.

The dad was playing poker down the street and the mom was with some other man down the street.

The fire department came in and cleaned out the scene, and we came in after.

As we were sifting through the ashes to find components to the space heater, we found the two-year-old’s foot.

Mind you, this was after dark, so we could barely see and were using flash lights.

It was a bit creepy.

#16. Friendly Reminders

Went into a ladies house one time… can’t remember what the call was for… that had sheets of paper taped all over the walls.

They all said something along the lines of,  “Remember, the voices aren’t real.”

Gave me a warm, safe feeling.

#17. One More Time…


There was also the dead fat lady with the pug that started eating her asshole…

Don’t forget, your dog wants to eat you!

Also – thank a cop.

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