
17 People Muse On The Hard Truths Humanity Has Yet To Accept

The world is a great place, but it’s also a hard place – just an hour spent watching a nature documentary should be enough to prove that to anyone.

Humans have a tendency to avoid the hard truths for as long as possible (which is sometimes a bit too long), but these 17 facts are ones that bear facing sooner rather than later.

17. It can happen to anyone.

That at any moment you can be gone forever without even getting a chance to think about it.

My husband passed away suddenly and unexpectedly earlier this month. It truly can happen to anyone. At any time.

No matter what your dreams and goals are. No matter how many people love you and hold you dear.

16. We’re all just pretending.

Nobody actually knows what the f**k is going on.

When I was a kid I was sure all adults know a lot and they are all proficient in their job.

Now I’m 35 and I’m convinced only 0.1% knows just barely enough to understand things throughout in their field.

15. One day it will be gone.

That we are taking a lot of things that we consider ‘natural’ for granted. One day we are going to be waking up to a world without it.

I’m partially convinced that the big trend for HD nature documentaries within the past 10 years or so was a combination of “we need to convince the public that nature is still going strong” and “we are running out of time to capture this footage.”

14. Most things, even.

That plenty of things are fake.

Most things are faked or exaggerated in some way.

13. We’ll never get to see it again.

I took my ex to the Florida Keys to go diving. The Reefs were all bleached out. She had no idea. She’d never seen them. We dove on white rocks with a few fish around them.

As a kid we snorkeled every island the colors were amazing. She will never get to see it. Nor will anyone like her who’d never experience coral reefs in all of their beauty.

12. It will outlast us.

I love George Carlin’s take. The earth isn’t going anywhere, it’s the people that are f**ked.

Even if humanity were destroyed via nuclear Armageddon, the planet itself would recover in a few tens of thousands of years.

11. Across the board.

People would rather sound right than be right.

10. It’s all an illusion.

You aren’t as in control of your body as you think.

A single disease, accident, etc could render you a prisoner inside your own body.

My dad was diagnosed with rapid onset dementia/Alzheimer’s and begged me to take him out in the woods on the family property and just shoot him.

He was literally terrified of becoming just another one of the 100 people in his nursing home that laid in a bed in a vegetative state for a decade.

“Thankfully” when Dad fully lost it he went quickly, a blessing I will always be thankful for.

9. We have no idea what the consequences are.

Microplastics are crossing the blood brain barrier

We are about to see a rise in plastic related brain diseases

F**k climate change, f**k inflation, f**k war, it’s going to be plastic that ends humanity.

8. There is no cure.

Tinnitus which is basically constant ringing and noises created by the brain has NO CURE, AND IS VERY EASY TO GET.

Dont take your silence & peace for granted.


Thank you all for the upvotes, but seriously i want all of you to help bring a world wide awareness to this horrible condition. its our veterans number 1 disability in the military, millions of americans suffer from it silently, Covid is giving it to people in record breaking numbers, there is no cure Don’t believe anyone who tells you otherwise. It usually progresses as you age, and if you got it like me and its constant you really are living day to day. your no longer living.

I had this for a decade, and i got it when i was young from listening to loud music. And everyday the victims get younger and younger. People kill themselves over this its that bad, and it has nothing to do with their mental state. Severe tinnitus will drive anyone insane. Don’t take your silence for granted and be kind to one another.

Please help get tinnitus the spotlight it needs, so that we can get more research and treatments for it. because like i said its very easy to get. LETS CURE IT B4 ITS TOO LATE

7. It will lead to our demise.

We are a reactive instead of a proactive society. And that will eventually lead to our demise as a species.

6. I’m not sure which is best/worst.

When you die, one of three things will happen.

Someone will watch you die.
Someone will find your body.
No one will find your body.

5. Some scary science.

commercial fishing is killing our oceans at a faster rate than any other pollution combined.

someone in the scary science thread a few days ago mentioned how fishes today are only 10% by volume of what they were in the 1950s.

And back then, they were already reduced to 10% of the amount in the 1800s.

even beyond the fish populations, techniques like bottom trawling and dredging absolutely decimate coral and other species needed for a healthy ecosystem.

4. Don’t even get me started on Yellowstone.

Cascadia Subduction Zone earthquake. 10-30% chance a 9.0+ earthquake will hit the PNW in the next 50 years.

The west coast is not prepared.

Not even worried about the volcanic activity that will stem from it, the rock slides that will cause EPIC inland tsunamis. Seriously, fine. Totally fine.

3. I mean, that sounds kind of helpful.

At this moment there’s a microscopic creature living and walking in your face, eating dead skin.

2. The human brain.

People genuinely don’t care what happens in the future.

The human brain isn’t very good at analysing threats that don’t pose an immediate danger. Put that down to using a stone age brain to look at modern problems.

1. Eh then I guess it doesn’t matter.

That one day humanity will go extinct and there will be nobody left to even remember any of it.

Even then, one day the universe will experience heat death and eventually there will be no atoms at all.

Yeah, I don’t think most people are going to be facing up to these anytime soon.

What else belongs on this list? If we’ve missed something, drop it in our comments!