
22 Ways People Say They’re Stupid Without Uttering a Single Word

You’ve surely heard that actions speak louder than words, and when it comes to how intelligent a person is, the saying sometimes applies. I say sometimes, because for some reason the stereotype exists of a quiet person being stupid, when most of the time I think it’s probably the opposite.

That said, there are plenty of ways people think they can tell if a person is not quite bright, and none of them require any conversation at all.

22. There’s being skeptical. Then there’s…this.

Not accepting any source as at least somewhat trustworthy and just going with the middleground of what you’ve heard.

“I don’t know about the safety of Medicine X”

“It’s really safe, the claims about certain side effects are bogus. Here is a gov. funded Study without conflict of interest and with over 10000 participants and not a single person had that side effect”

“Yea, but I mean if people are disagreeing with that they’ve got to have a reason though, so I am not so sure.”

Being sceptical about sources is fine and well, but it doesn’t mean that you can’t trust anything and always have to sit on the fence.

21. I wonder if he’s counting the cents.

There’s this guy from high school that goes around facebook saying “I make six figures” without supporting his statements beyond that, like him making six figures supports any argument he makes.

20. A fast and handy way.

I’m not stupid, your!

19. Go right ahead.

“I’m going to sue you.”

Ok ma’am. Have a nice day.

18. Know your audience.

Arguing about company policy with a worker who is at the very bottom and can not do a single thing about it.

17. A blessing in disguise.

A friend who works in call centres says that folk saying “I’m taking you to court!” is a great outcome because she no longer has to deal with their bullsh%t.

“Okay, if you feel that’s the right course of action you should do that. I can no longer talk to you. Our legal team’s contact details are on the website and you should instruct your solicitor to contact us through them. Have a blessed day!”

16. They just can’t believe they could be wrong.

Piggy backing on this. Customers who say “You guys always move the items in the shop around, it’s no wonder I can’t find anything”.

No mam, it’s in Aisle 8, halfway up, righthand side, eye level, just like it always has been for years…

“Yeah no worries, that’s over in Aisle 8 about halfway up on the righthand side at eye level”

“Well it wasn’t there last week when I came in to do my shopping! It was in Aisle 7!”

15. It’s like an ape is behind the wheel. Not a smart one.

Honking continuously when stuck in a traffic jam.

14. Never ever.

Ending a Facebook post with “Hmmm…”.

Nobody has ever said anything insightful then followed it with hmmm…

13. Are you sure, though?

This, and inching forward every other second at a red light.

Oddly enough that won’t make the light turn green faster…

12. Easy tells.

“Europe is a country”

“The UK is a continent”

“The UK is no longer part of Europe”

There are more but those are 3 I can think about.

11. Those things are ridiculous.

Wearing those extremely elaborate and specific t-shirts that say things like “Don’t mess with me, because I’m a 42-year-old wife to a mechanic who loves guns, eats steak, and isn’t afraid to tell you your breath stinks on a friday afternoon.

Also I’m an Aquarius and eat a$s.”

10. Well, he may be an alien, let’s be honest.

I only learned Elon musk was a “real person” two days ago.

I thought he was from Star Trek.

I’ve never watched Star Trek…

9. They can’t read a room.

Always giving unsolicited advice, yet gets all defensive when solicited advice is given to them.

8. It’s like an advertisement.

Fake balls hanging from a truck hitch.

7. Screaming at anyone.

Screaming at retail workers when they’ve already told you they can’t do something.

Like they’re magically going to be able to do what you want all of a sudden just cos you’re screaming at them.

6. It’s like telling people you have no friends.

Those shirts that advertise bad attitude……

5. That’s oddly specific.

Having to look in the fridge every time you lose your phone because you’ve left it there three times before.

4. Adult children.

My favorite is the “F*ck your feelings” shirt (sometimes the F*CK is replaced by a stick figure humping another letter)

Imagine being above the age of 13 and thinking that it would be cool to wear that.

I’ve seen two grown men wearing those shirts at the grocery store. Hope they don’t hurt themselves with all that edge!

3. Please just don’t.

Believing any FaceBook “mom posts” that start with: “This is the secret doctors don’t want you to know about!”

2. It’s really not that hard.

Standing for 10 minutes in line at a fast food joint only to be called up next and not knowing what you want.

1. Like facts are negotiable.

When people are unwilling to change their opinion based on new information.

These are all fairly true, I think, though of course your mileage may vary.

What would you add to this list? Do it in the comments!