Remember how about ten years ago people would make jokes that there’s an app for everything?
Well these days, the same could be said for infographics.
Here are 21 completely random infographics that prove there really is one for every situation.
1. When you need to borrow the TARDIS
Talk about a beautiful chronology of Doctor Who.
2. When you need to decorate some cupcakes
Now you know which pastry tip to use.
(But does anyone outside of Master Chef actually use a pastry bag?
Because those things are THE WORST imo.)
3. When you need to know how to trim your beard
Hipsters everywhere, rejoice!
4. When you care about the Superbowl
I mean, for more than just the commercials or halftime show.
5. When you’re curious about copper
I love this, actually.
6. When you need a donut STAT
And I mean, like, yesterday.
7. When you’re challenged to a duel in Japan
I’ll take the sharpest one, please.
8. When you need to make a scenic get-away
(Because you lost the duel?)
9. When you don’t know how to pronounce your car’s make
(And you want to sound super pretentious by getting it right.)
10. When you’re looking for the House of the Rising Sun
Or whatever happens in New Orleans.
11. & 12. When you’re curious about colors
Whether it’s to pick your favorite color…
Or so you can find your car in a crowded parking lot…
13. When you don’t know what book to read
No matter how long your TBR list is.
14. When you want to know where the party is
And you’re wiling to drive to get there.
15. When you’re having dinner with Miss Manners
And you don’t want to look like a hayseed.
16. When you need to double-check your family tree
It can get complicated pretty fast, if you’re counting second cousins twice removed.
17. When you have a turtle emergency
Whether or not it is of the teenage-mutant-ninja variety.
18. When there’s science
There should honestly always be an infographic about science.
It’s practically the law.
19. When you spill wine
Sorry, does anyone spill anything else?
20. When you have a ghost problem
I mean, when don’t you?
21. When you’re trying to keep the body count straight
It can be hard. We got you.
Honestly, these were so weird and random that they totally made my day.
I kind of want to make an infographic for literally everything now.
What do you think? Have you seen one that belongs on the list? Let us know in the comments.