How’s your dream journal going these days?
I can’t honestly say I’ve ever kept a dream journal OR even seen one, but, as I like to say, to each their own…
So, while you contemplate if you need to start keeping one of these things, enjoy this story about a young man and his overbearing mother.
Start now!
AITA for deleting my dream journal so that my mom can’t read it.
“Hey I’m new to reddit and typing this on my phone so I’m not sure how the formatting is going to turn out sorry I’m advance.
Now for the story I’m a 16 yo male who’s parents are divorced and I live with both 50/50 split. Anyways I keep a dream journal so that I can help remember my dreams. This dream journal is just an app on my phone with a password lock. My mom has always gone through my phone and such but I never had a problem with this as I either don’t have anything to hide or I am easily able to hide it as she isn’t very techy.
However one day she went through my phone and tried opening my dream journal and almost blew up when see saw that it asked her for a password. See said i was sneaking around and trying to undermine her. When I told her it was a dream journal she finally calmed down a bit asked me to open it up to which I said no.
I feel that what goes on during my dreams, especially because I am not always in control of what happens, that I have the right to keep that to myself.
My mom however disagreed and took my phone and went to my girl friends house to try and get my phones password from her. She wouldn’t budge (huge shoutout to my gf). However her parents who I respect and have always kinda looked up to told me that I was being very mischievous because I wouldn’t unlock the journal.
When I went to my dads the next day I asked him about it and he told me that I should just let her see it which is what really made me start to think that I may be the unreasonable one. This is because if there was something my mom was doing wrong he would jump at the opportunity to s**t talk her.
When I came back to my moms house a few days later she acted normal and gave me my phone back which was very surprising for her. Then again later in the week when I thought that it was all over and I don’t have to think about it any more my mom marches in my room grabs my phone out of my hands goes to my journal and unlocks it.
I still have no idea how she got my password the only thing I can think of is one of my brothers ratted me out. In the heat of the moment my brain thought that the only way to stop her from seeing everything would be to grab the phone and delete the app as fast as possible.
This was actually most likely true as I have no idea how to change the password on it and my brothers would have probably taken my phone before I could do it. I did this fairly easily and before she could call my brothers to help her stop me.
She was obviously pissed about me deleting the app and grounded me and all that. However the thing that was the worst was when she posted on Facebook about what I had done all of the people commenting were siding with her.
That journal really did mean a lot to me and I feel like what I did was spiteful as I doubt anything would have come from her looking at it. I just need some people to tell me what they think good or bad.”
Now it’s time to take a look at what people had to say about this story.
This person made it very clear: this mom is invading her son’s privacy is a HUGE way.

Photo Credit: Reddit
This Reddit user agreed that the mom is really doing some damage here.

Photo Credit: Reddit
Another individual said that parents who invade their kids’ privacy this much better expect their kids to distance themselves.
It’s only natural, right?

Photo Credit: Reddit
And finally, this reader said that the mom needs to learn how to give her son space or else he’s going to keep getting better at keeping things from her and their relationship will become even more strained.
It’s true!

Photo Credit: Reddit
Now it’s your turn to speak up.
Do you think this kid was a jerk for deleting their dream journal?
Or did they do the right thing?
Speak up in the comments and let us know.